In the following scientific study, we consider a logical model, which for the first time brings us closer to the integrated perception of barriers and obstacles existing in the memory environment, "refracting" human predispositions and transforming them into skills. The area of human orientation in the world of changing opportunities, as well as in the solution of the "predisposition-ability" conflict at the stage of the formation of new professions in an intelligent society of cognitive and innovation perspective, defined by the criteria of technological development, digitalisation and transition to a virtual world of communication networks and the Internet, is justified. From a scientific point of view, however, it is possible to grasp the characteristics of the memory environment and to search for an "exhaustive list of predispositions" as well as an "exhaustive list of characteristics of each memory environment unit". However, this usually requires years of research with a single person. From the practical point of view, this is unacceptable, because in modern circumstances such recommendations are required, which allow to predict professional activity in a few hours, and in the future to allow a person to learn to navigate independently in conditions of changes in the environment of his life and activity. The correlation of the activity approach developments within the subject's life development, as well as the model of predisposition realisation mentioned by M. Achtnich as holistic and optimal, maintained by the specific-historical conditions of the figure, have mostly determined the key problem, to which this article is devoted. The purpose of this scientific exploration is the philosophical understanding of predisposition and skill dialectic in human professional activity (on the example of models by Martin Achtnich and Gregory Popov). Moreover, the tasks of academician G.Popov largely echo the original formulation of P. Drucker's smart approach, whose paradigm is now being applied to reflect on the smart approach to any areas of activity, defined by the speed of environmental change, the rapid circulation of information, and the circumstances of uncertainty. The recommendations of G.Popov, discussed in the following article, and the concept of P. Drucker do not conflict, mutually complementing each other.
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