Workplace Deviance defined as a planned, purposeful, and hateful attempt to disrupt an organization by causing problems in the workplace. Workplace Deviance splits into two parts i, e Interpersonal Deviance (ID), and Organizational Deviance (OD), respectively. ID is that which attempts to harm relationships through activities like lying, gossiping, and apportioning blame, and OD relates to lateness or theft of equipment. The present aim of the study is to observe vast literature existing online databases globally in the workplace deviance by systematically analyzing the empirical studies of the last 30 years. In India, minimal research has done in the area of deviant behavior. The purpose of the present study has tried to is a significant amount for organizations. Vast research is going on in the American continent to find out workplace deviance antecedent and try to minimize the effect at an organizational level. The method used in the present paper is constructed on secondary sources, and with the help of the VOS software online database of a web of science, a systematic review of workplace deviance has done and framed a conceptual model for further empirical research. After a comprehensive study researcher identified various antecedents of workplace deviance, such as job satisfaction, organizational justice, job design, and abusive supervision, are the main variables often used by researchers? Previous research has done on destructive deviance instead of constructive deviance. In recent trends, counterproductive behavior and psychological factor needed to study This study shows that organizations should discourage deviant workplace behavior by providing ethical organizational climate and practicing conducting proper counseling, refresher program for employees; also, an organization should form a personality assessment program at regular intervals to avoid individuals with negativity personality characteristics. In this context, relatively few studies have presented a thorough review of the literature. The current study frames a robust conceptual framework for the investigators and researchers by examining the vast essay on workplace deviance in Indian organizations.
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