ABSTRACT Objectives Commercial fishing is one of the most dangerous industries in the United States, and although injuries have been a prominent focus for research, some health and safety risk factors such as sleep are understudied. In this paper, data from a multi-modal research study of sleep patterns, lifestyle factors, occupational exposures, medical histories, and health assessments in four U.S. fisheries are used to explore the connections between pain and sleep. Methods A mixture of randomized cluster sampling, study promotions, and dockside recruitment was utilized to gather a sufficient number of fishermen in the Alaska Salmon, Oregon Dungeness Crab, Massachusetts Scallop, and Massachusetts Lobster fisheries for the study. Fishermen were surveyed about sleep patterns, occupational exposures, and lifestyle factors. Surveyed fishermen were provided with free comprehensive health assessments by occupational health nurses and physicians or Advanced Practice Providers. Data were collected in REDCap and downloaded into SAS for analysis using a variety of analytic methods. Results A total of 262 surveys and 162 physical examinations were completed with captains and crew members in the four fisheries targeted for study. The average self-reported consecutive hours of sleep for fisheries workers that spend several days at sea (i.e. Crab, Scallop, and Salmon fisheries) were roughly 3.5 to 4.0 h in a 24-h period. Of particular note, the majority of fishermen, regardless of fishery, suffered from back pain, and roughly 40% of fishermen noted pain and discomfort significantly impede their ability to sleep. Conclusions This study underscores the connections between musculoskeletal pain and sleep, providing yet further impetus for preventing musculoskeletal injuries among fishermen. Given the ties between existing sleep debt in the industry and the health and safety risks posed by repeated exposure to insufficient sleep, this study highlights the need for the prevention of these injuries and potentially better treatment options for fishermen who suffer from musculoskeletal disorders.
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