OZET Bu arastirma; Alpaslan DevlelOretme C1fliginde yetistirilen merinos surusunde yapagi gomlek agirligi, lule uzunlugu ve kif incelikleri ile yapagilarda bulunan tam mediilla kanalli kil nisbetlerini tesbit etmek maksadiyla yapilmisur. . Merinos surusunden, sansa balgi olarak secilen 50 ergin koyunda yapagi gomlek agirliklarinin ortalamasi 2,398 kg. olarak bulunmustur. Koyunlarin omuz, kaburga ve but bMgelerine ait numunelerinde liile uzunluklari bu siraya gore 6,13 cm.; 6,25 cm.; 6,50 cm. ve genel ortalama 6,35 cm. olarak saptanmistir. Koyunlunn degisik beden bolgelerine gore; kil inceliklerinin ortalama degerleri, omuida 24,67 mikran; kaburgada 25,66 mikron; butta 26,97 mikron ve genelortalama kil inceligi 25,77 mikron olarak tesbit edilmistir Yapagilarin kil ineclikleri ile ~omlek agirliklari arasinda istatistik olarak onemli olmayan bir korelasyon, !ule uzunlugu ile kil inceligi arasinda negat~f (r= 0,388) degerinde%i ihtimal seviyeSinde onemli bir korrelasyon bulunmustur. Tam kana/l! olan medWlali ki/lar sadece, 56's den asagi sortimnalarda bulunan kaburgu ve but numunelerinde tesbit edilmesire ragmen, bu kil/arin nisbeti binde ile ifade edilebilecek kadar az oldugu tesbit edilmistir. THE RESEARCH ON SOME PHYSTCAL PROPERIES OF MERINOWOOL RAISED IN ALPASLAN DEVLET URETME CIFTLIGI SUMMARY This research was carried out in order to find shearing wool .weight staple length, yield, fibre fineness and the amount ot the main madullated fibres in the merino breed raised in Alpaslan Fram. 1 . The determination of Oeece weigtli in wool and sampling The wool samples for this research was taken from the ewes that healthy and over two yeais old randomly, The wool of 5u selected sheep, were sheared witb machine elipper and their weight was oetermined by a seale. The averege shearing weight of wool was found 2,398 kg. 2. Staple length of wool The wool sampels were randomlytaken from rib, shoulder and thigh parts of each sheep in order to determine the staple legth in wool and 15 staples were taken from each wool sample. The staple Jenth of wool samples were measured by Stoiiet-Board and and taking 5 staples from per !iample. The taken results were to rib shoulder and thigh parts ofsheep as fol1ows 6, 13 cm ; 6,25 cm. and 6.50 cm. 3. Yeld of ~ool The samples about 20 gr. was weighed in the conditioning room by scale accurate to 0,01 gr. and their vegatasle matter was taken out by forceps. Later on, the samples were put into lebelled . cotton bags and wetted out according to the rules of wetting. After drying the c1ean sainples at 105 oC. their second weight was also measured. x: Kamgam sanayiinde kamgarn tipi iplik ve kumas yapimi icin uzun elyafli orta incelikie mutecanis vapa~ar kullanilir (Davasligil, 1960). 30 The percentage of values according to Bamard Metod were found as fol1ows: 62,29 for shoulder; 60,17 iib; 59,51 thing and general pereentage was found as 60,92. 4. Fineness of wool The fibre fineness of the samples were measured by means of Miero-Projection. The different fibre finensess values aceoding to the diffedent parts of body were detemined as fol1ows: 24,67 mierons for shoumder; 25,66 microns rib; 26,97 microns thigt. In ;iddition, the differenee between fibre fi~eness and fleece weigth statisticaeally had a insi~nifieant eorrelation effect and 'also a nefative eorrelation about 1% significant effeet between staple length and fibre fineness was (cund. The full medullated fibres were only fGund in the samples less than 56'S belonging to rib and thigt. The percentage of the madullated fibres wasfound to be less than thousand
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