Silicified wood collected from the Lower Miocene Nawamata Formation at two localities, Nakaya and Nigoriike, Monzen-machi, Noto Peninsula, central Japan, were identified. Among the 58 specimens there are two species of conifers and eleven species of dicotyledons:Taxodioxylon cunninghamioides (Watari) Watari andT. sequoianum (Merckl.) Gothan (both Taxodiaceae),Carya protojaponica Watari (Juglandaceae),Pterocarya rhoifolia Siebold et Zucc. (Juglandaceae),Ostrya monzenensis sp. nov. (Betulaceae),Quercus anataiensis (Watari) Watari (Fagaceae),Liquidambar hisauchii comb. nov. (Hamamelidaceae),Prunus iwatense (Watari) Takahashi et Suzuki (Rosaceae),Gleditsia paleojaponica comb. nov. (Leguminosae),Acer watarianum Takahashi et Suzuki (Aceraceae),Meliosma mio-oldhami sp. nov. (Sabiaceae),Reevesia miocenica Watari (Sterculiaceae), andFraxinus notoensis sp. nov. (Oleaceae). The fossil wood floras at the two localities are compared to the Daijima Flora, and warm-and/or cool-temperate mesic forests are suggested to occur in the Early Miocene of Monzen.