Abstract Abstract M. B. R. Cawkell, D. H. Maling, and E. M. Cawkell. The Falkland Islands. St. Martin's Press, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N.Y., 1960. 223 pages with plates, diagrams and maps, appendices, references, and index. $4.50. E. Joseph Dreany. Life in the Arctic. Maxton Publishing Corporation, 15 E. 26th Strcet, New York 10, N.Y., 1960. 26 pages with one map and 49 pictures. We have been unable to secure the price of this book. Val Gendron. The Dragon Tree: A Life of Alexander, Baron von Humboldt. Longmans, Green and Co., 119 West 40th Street, New York 18, 1961. 214 pages with eight illustrations by von Humboldt and an index. $3.95. Elizabeth Coatsworth. Desert Dan. The Viking Press, Inc., 625 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y., 1960. 64 pages with illustrations by Harper Johnson. Ages 8-12. $2.50. Ruth Brindze. All About Undersea Exploration. Random House, Inc., 45 Madison Ave., Sew York 22, N. Y., 1960. 145 pages with table contents, suggestions for further reading, index, and photographs. Ages 10-14. $1.95. E. W. H. Briault and D. W. Shave. Geography In and Out of School. Clarke, Irvin & Company Limited, 791 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto 10, Ontario, Canada 1960. 199 pages with table of contents, photographs, sketch maps and diagrams, bibliography and index. $1.85. Monica M. Cole. South Africa. E. P. Dutton and Co., Inc., 300 Park Avenue South, New York, 10, N.Y., 1961. xxx + 696 pages with table of contents, maps and diagrams, plates and index. $16.95. Donald Culross Peattie. Flowering Earth. The Viking Press, Inc., 625 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N.Y., 1961. 252 pages with 7 wood engravings by Paul 'Landacre and a short index. Explorer edition (pocket-size paper back), $1.45. Lucia C. Harrison. Sun, Earth, Time and Man. Rand McNally and Company, P.O. Box ?GOO, Chicago 80, Illinois, 19GO. 287 pages including a table of contents, maps and diagrams, list of selected rcadings, exercises, and index. $4.50. Carleton Mabee. The Seaway Story. The Macmillan Company, GO Fifth ilve., New York 11, N.Y. 19G1. 301 pages with illustrations, maps, notes, and index. 55.95. Jens Bjerre. Kalahari. Hill and Wang, 104 Fifth Avenue, New York 11, N.Y., 1960. 227 pages with index, illustrations, table of contents, and map. $4.50.
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