Bu calismada yirminci yuzyilin iki buyuk kadin yazari, Simone de Beauvoir ve Annie Ernaux’nun aile cevreleri uzerinden kendi kadin kimliklerini sorguladiklari Une mort tres douce ve Une Femme adli eserleri karsilastirmali olarak ele alinmistir. Calismada, her iki eserde uc kusak Fransiz kadinin (anlatici, anne ve buyukanne) ait olduklari aileler farkli donem kesitleriyle, her doneme ozgu deger yargilariyla, kadinin toplumsal hayattaki konumu goz onunde bulundurularak incelenmistir. Yasam oykuleri acisindan benzerlikler iceren her iki yazarin bireysel ve toplumsal planda kadin kimliklerinin olusmasinda buyuk oranda aile yasamlarinin belirleyici oldugu gorulmustur. Buyukanne kusagi, otorite ve korkuya dayali, kadin egitiminin nerdeyse hice sayildigi bir toplumsal ve kulturel ortamda yetismistir. Anne kusagi ise, gelenegin belirledigi otoriter aile kadini olmak ile, uygun firsatlarda da modern olana yuzunu donmek arasinda bir gelgit yasamis olsa da, kizlarinin daha mutlu yasayabilmesi icin egitimi ve okumayi onemseyip tesvik etmislerdir. Yazarlarin temsil ettigi kadin kusagina gelince; bu kusak kadinlar geleneksel degerlerin baskilayici kurallarina karsin, kendi adlarina, kendileri icin ve kendi kendilerine bir kimlik olusturma savasimi icinde olmuslar; kadin kimliginin toplumsal boyutunun bireysel boyutla ic iceligini one cikararak, kadinin toplumsal hayattaki yerini saglamlastirmanin, aile, gelenek ve toplumsal sinif aidiyetinin otesinde bireysel bilincten gectigini ortaya koymuslardir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Annie Ernaux, Simone de Beauvoir, Bir Kadin, Une mort tres douce, Kadin. THE SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF THE IDENTITY OF WOMAN IN “ UNE MORT TRES DOUCE ”AND “ UNE FEMME ” Abstract : In this study, twentieth century’s two great works by women writers, Simone de Beauvoir’s “ Une mort tres douce ” and Annie Ernaux’s “ Une femme ”, in which they questioned their own female identity through their familial circles, will be comparatively studied. In both works, three generations of French women (narrator, mother and grandmother) are studied by focusing on different periods in their family history, values peculiar to every period, and women’s position in society. Many similarities can be seen between both writers and their identity as women are shaped by their familial lives. The generation of the grandmother grew in a cultural and social environment in which women are disciplined with fears and strict authority and their right to education was ignored. The generation of the mother lived through a turbulent transition period in which women were in-between the traditional female roles and models of modern womanhood, but they encouraged their daughters to further education. As for the generation represented by the narrator, women rebelled against the oppression of the traditional female roles, and they strove to build an identity particular to themselves, depending on their own resources. They revealed the intricate relations between the social and individual dimensions of female identity, and put forward that the empowerment of the women in social life is about the improvement of the individual consciousness more than familial, traditional and class identities. Keywords : Annie Ernaux, Simone de Beauvoir, Une Femme , Une mort tres douce , Woman.
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