The goal of the paper is to study the structure of the k-tuples of doubly Λ-commuting row isometries and the C⁎-algebras they generate from the point of view of noncommutative multivariable operator theory. We obtain Wold decompositions, in this setting, and use them to classify the k-tuples of doubly Λ-commuting row isometries up to a unitary equivalence. We prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the unitary equivalence classes of k-tuples of doubly Λ-commuting row isometries and the enumerations of 2k unitary equivalence classes of unital representations of the twisted Λ-tensor algebras ⊗i∈AcΛOni, as A is any subset of {1,…,k}, where Oni is the Cuntz algebra with ni generators. In addition, we obtain a description and parametrization of the irreducible k-tuples of doubly Λ-commuting row isometries.We introduce the standard k-tuple S:=(S1,…,Sk) of doubly Λ-commuting pure row isometries Si:=[Si,1⋯Si,ni] acting on the Hilbert space ℓ2(Fn1+×⋯×Fnk+), where Fn+ is the unital free semigroup with n generators, and prove that the universal C⁎-algebra generated by a k-tuple of doubly Λ-commuting row isometries is ⁎-isomorphic to the C⁎-algebra C⁎({Si,s}). We introduce the regular Λ-polyball BΛ(H) and show that a k-tuple T:=(T1,…,Tk) of row operators Ti:=[Ti,1…Ti,ni], acting on H, admits S as universal model, i.e. there is a Hilbert space D such that H is jointly co-invariant for Si,s⊗ID andTi,s⁎=(Si,s⁎⊗ID)|H,i∈{1,…,k} and s∈{1,…,ni}, if and only if T is a pure element of BΛ(H). This leads to von type Neumann inequalities and the introduction of the noncommutative Berezin transform associated with the elements of the regular Λ-polyball, which plays an important role. We use the Berezin kernel to obtain a characterization of the Beurling type jointly invariant subspaces of the standard k-tuple S=(S1,…,Sk) and provide a classification result for the pure elements in the regular Λ-polyball.We show that any k-tuple T in the regular Λ-polyball admits a minimal dilation which is a k-tuple of doubly Λ-commuting row isometries and is uniquely determined up to an isomorphism. Using the Wold decompositions obtained, we show that T is a pure element in BΛ(H) if and only if its minimal dilation is a pure element in BΛ(K). In the particular case when n1=⋯=nk=1, we obtain an extension of Brehmer's result, showing that any k-tuple in the regular Λ-polyball admits a unique minimal doubly Λ-commuting unitary dilation.
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