The portion of northeastern Wisconsin discussed comprises that portion of the Green Bay lobe which lies north of the district described by Alden (1918), west of Lake Winnebago, Fox River, and Green Bay, and a portion of the Langlade lobe to the northwest. Outside of the drift which is bordered by the terminal moraine, long recognized as of Wisconsin age, is a thin, patchy drift almost devoid of glacial topography. Although this drift was long called “old” or “pre-Wisconsin” it is now thought that most, if not all, the extra-morainic deposits are Iowan, although some may be Illinoian. The Wisconsin drift is divisible into deposits of the Cary and Valders substages. The name Valders is proposed in this paper because of the uncertainty of former correlations across the brush- and forest-covered region around Lake Superior. The survey was a detailed reconnaissance. Every practicable effort was made to use both the criteria of topography and of material in the mapping. Aerial photographs were used throughout much of the area. Attention was devoted to the geochemical relations of the drifts to ground, stream, and lake waters. Some attention was also directed to the mechanical composition of the glacial and aqueo-glacial deposits. The history of glacial dissipation is illustrated with a series of block diagram maps. The glacial lake of the Fox-Wolf valley is renamed Glacial Lake Oshkosh.
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