С. Р. E. Bach's Evangelist: Johann Heinrich Michel1 PaulCorneilson In precious documentation contrast little toJohann is known for Carl Sebastian about Philipp his Bach's church Emanuel tenure singers, Bach's at Leipzig, there Kapelle is where ample at preciouslittle is knownabouthischurchsingers, thereis ample documentationfor Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's Kapelleat Hamburg. One ofBach'smostimportant tenors inHamburg,Johann HeinrichMichel,also happensto have been Bach's most prolific copyist.2 Michelnormally sangtheroleofEvangelist in thetwentyone Passionsperformed between1769and1789,theonlyexceptions beingtheSt.Lukesettings of1771,1779,and1787,whichdo notcall fora tenorEvangelist.In addition,Michel was assignedariasin cantatasand worksthatBach composed forspecialoccasions.By analyzing the specificcharacteristics of arias (rangeand tessitura, passagework,tonality, and affective qualitiesof thevocal lines),we see howBach employed himas a soloistinHamburg.3 WhenCharlesBurney visited Bach inHamburgon Saturday, 10 October1772,hewrote: ^his paper isbased onmy presentation atthe American Bach Society meeting in Madison, Wisconsin, inMay 2010. Alonger version appears inErist der Vater, wir sind die Bub'n: Essays inHonor of Christoph Wolff , edited byPaulCorneilson andPeter Wollny (Ann Arbor: Steglein Publishing, 2010), 95-118. 2See Paul Kast, DieBach-Handschriften der Berliner Staatsbibliothek (Trossingen: Hohner, 1958) aswell asthe more recent survey inKeiichi Kubota, C.P.E. Bach: Л Study of HisRevisions and Arrangements (Tokyo: Academia Music, 2004), appendix 2,188-90. ^There is a longtradition ofsecondary literature onthesingers ofHandel and Mozart, but relatively little onthe singers of J. S.Bach, largely because there islittle documentation on their careers. Fora recent survey see Andreas Glöckner, "Alumnen und Externe inden Kantoreien der Thomasschule zur Zeit Bachs," BachJahrbuch 92(2006): 9-36;for information onthebassJohann Christoph Samuel Lipsius, seeHans-Joachim Schulze, "Studenten alsBachs Helfer beider Leipziger Kirchenmusik," Bach-Jahrbuch 70(1984): 45-52. 1 2 Bach ... M. Bachaccompanied metoSt.Catherine's church, where I heardsomevery good music, of hiscomposition, very illperformed , andtoa congregation wholly inattentive. [They probably heard theMichaelmas cantata, Ichmilden Namen des Herrn preisen , Wq245.]Thismanwascertainly borntowrite for great performers , andfor a refined audience; buthenowseems tobeoutofhis element. There isa fluctuation inthearts ofevery city andcountry where they arecultivated, andthis isnota bright period for music atHamburg. Atchurch, andinthe way home, wehadaconversation, which wasextremely interesting to me:hetoldme,that ifhewasina place,where hiscompositions couldbe wellexecuted, andwell heard, heshould certainly kill himself, byexertions toplease. "But adieumusic! now," hesaid, "these aregoodpeoplefor society, and I enjoy moretranquility andindependence here, than ata court; after I wasfifty, I gavethething up,andsaidletuseatanddrink, forto-morrow wedie!andI amnowreconciled tomysituation; except indeed, whenI meet with menoftaste anddiscernment, whodeserve better music than wecangivethem here."4 Thatsameevening, Burney also attended a concert organized by ChristophDaniel Ebeling that featuredselectionsfromBach's Passions-Cantate ,Wq 233. Several ofM. Bach'svocalcompositions wereperformed, inall which great genius andoriginality were discoverable; though they didnotreceive theembellishments, which singers ofthefirst class might havegiven tothem. M.Bachhassettomusic, a Passione, in the German language, andseveral parts ofthis admirable composition were performed this evening. I wasparticularly delighted with a chorus init, which for modulation, contrivance, andeffects, was atleast equaltoany oneofthebestchoruses inHandel's immortal Messiah. A pathetic air, uponthesubject ofSt.Peter's weeping, 4The Present State of Music inGermany, the Netherlands and United Provinces ,2vols., 2nd ed. (London: T.Becket, 1775), 2:251-52. Although itispossible that something might have been lostintranslation, the critique seems atleast plausible. Telemann had similarly complained ofthis decline inthe 1730s, following the closing ofthe Opera. However, Burney knew little German himself, and it isnot known how much English Bach knew. С. Р.E. Bach's Evangelist 3 whenhe heardthecockcrow, wasso truly pathetic as to make almost every hearer accompany thesaint inhistears.5 The ariaBurney refers tois "Wendedichzu meinemSchmerze," possiblysungbythetenor(or baritone)Carl RudolphWredenfor whomitwas originally written inthe1769 St.Matthew Passion.6 As citymusicdirector and cantorat theJohanneum, Bach was responsibleforthepreparation and performance of musicat more thana hundredserviceseach year.This includedtheQuartalstücke ("ganze Musik" or music forhighfestivals of Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, andMichaelmas) andSundaycantatas ("halbeMusik"),7 as wellas Passionsduring LentandHolyWeek.The musicdirector also provided installation cantatas(Einßihrungsmusiken ,H 821) forpastors and deacons of theHamburgchurches, and musicforthemeetings ofthe"captainsofthecity militia" in 1780and 1783 (Bürgercapitains musihdn ,H 822).Bachleda groupofeight "regular" (salaried) singers anda bandoffifteen instrumentalists.8 Thismeansthatchurch music 5Ibid, 2:254-55. Burney had written toEberling inNovember 1771 andspecifically asked him tosend some ofBach's church music and any new harpsichord music. See The letters of DrCharles Burney , 1751-1784 ,ed.Alvaro Ribeiro (Oxford: Clarendon...