Upper estuarine forested wetlands (UEFWs) play an important role in the sequestration of atmospheric carbon (C), which is facilitated by their position at the boundary of terrestrial and maritime environments but threatened by sea level rise. This study assessed the change in aboveground C stocks along the estuarine–riverine hydrogeomorphic gradient spanning salt-impacted freshwater tidal forested wetlands to freshwater forested wetlands in seasonally tidal and nontidal landscape positions. Standing stocks of C in forested wetlands were measured along two major coastal river systems, the Winyah Bay in South Carolina and the Savannah River in Georgia (USA), replicating and expanding a previous study to allow the assessment of change over time. Aboveground C stocks on these systems averaged 172.9 Mg C ha−1, comparable to those found in UEFWs across the globe and distinct from the terrestrial forested ecosystems they are often considered to be a part of during large-scale C inventory efforts. Groundwater salinity conditions as low as 1.3 ppt were observed in conjunction with losses of aboveground C. When viewed in context alongside expected sea level rise and corresponding saltwater intrusion estimates, these data suggest a marked decrease in aboveground C stocks in forested wetlands situated in and around tidal estuaries.