The growing significance of information availability about products for consumers represents a pivotal dimension in contemporary consumer behavior and decision-making processes. In the context of an ever-evolving global marketplace characterized by a huge number of choices, rapid technological advancements and increased consumer awareness, access to comprehensive product information has emerged as a fundamental factor affecting consumers' preferences, choices, and satisfaction levels. There is a significant scientific gap on Italian wine consumers' readiness to adopt emerging technologies. Therefore, the research objective is to investigate whether Italian wine consumers trust and are willing to use emerging technologies such as Quick Response (QR) code and Blockchain Technology (BCT) and to identify the factors influencing their acceptance. By examining and evaluating several crucial aspects in the context of wine purchases in Italy using an online survey, this work seeks to fill the gap in the literature. These crucial elements include customers' propensity for novelty, information-seeking behaviors, faith in new technology, and the intention to use them during wine purchasing. What can be derived is the positive interconnection between consumers novelty-seeking, information-seeking, intention to use the QR code and trust in emerging technologies. With other words, consumers' information-seeking and novelty-seeking is interconnected and they positively determine consumers trust in technologies and their adoption. The implications of this study are twofold. Firstly, it enriches consumer behavior theory by providing new insights into how information availability and emerging technologies influence consumers’ decision-making processes, particularly in the context of the Italian wine market. Secondly, businesses can leverage these insights to enhance consumer trust and satisfaction, enabling them to make more effective marketing strategies, improve product transparency, and gain a competitive edge in the increasingly competitive wine market.
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