Purpose: To overview the white head cabbage market in Ukraine, outline major problems, assess production capacity, and determine directions for improving efficiency in the future. Methods. Mathematical/statistical methods, grouping, analysis of time series, abstract-logical and dialectical approaches of cognition. Results. The current state of white head cabbage production in Ukraine is discussed. The shares of this crop in the total sown area and gross vegetable production have been determined; data on the location of white head cabbage production in different natural-climatic zones of Ukraine and farm categories have been summarized. The causes restraining the effective development of this segment of the vegetable market have been elucidated; they include outdated technologies and lack of innovations; few facilities for finishing, packaging, storage, and processing; lack of professional branding and effective infrastructure; weak development of agro-logistics; non-compliance of domestic vegetable products with European standards. The general strategy and priority areas of scientific support for future white head cabbage production in the context of integration processes are outlined. Conclusions. As the material well-being of the population rises, the food basket structure changes towards increased consumption of vegetables, including white cabbage. To justify the future development of vegetable growing in Ukraine, one should be guided by this benchmark, along with the expediency of the maximum use of the available natural and economic potentials for white head cabbage production. The further development of white head cabbage production in Ukraine must be directed towards high-intensity production based on the scientifically sound introduction of new high-yielding cultivars and hybrids with good palatability. At the same time, in the future, technical re-equipment of vegetable growing, development of information support, creation of marketing services, and development of market infrastructure will be required.
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