Runaway electrons have great significance in fusion plasmas as they are considered to be responsible for the excitation of instabilities and for damage to the first wall components. The threshold for the generation of the runaway electron population in tokamaks strongly depends on the toroidal magnetic field and bulk electron temperature. The presence of these runaway electrons with a critical density and magnetic field value are correlated with the magnetosonic whistler activity. The Rosenbluth condition applies to the destabilization of upper hybrid modes, that remains mostly stable in large-scale tokamaks like Joint European Tokamakand International Thermonuclear Experimental reactor. On the other hand, whistlers with a frequency in the lower hybrid range are more likely to be destabilized in a lower magnetic field and temperature, along with the whistlers’ excitation threshold. The process of destabilization of whistlers by energetic electrons thus has a finite overlap between fusion and basic plasma devices, and the outcome from the latter can be scalable to fusion machines. We report that in the linear large volume plasma device, the destabilization of quasi-longitudinal whistlers, driven by the reflected particles from the mirror, takes place in the bulk plasma region i.e. away from the mirror in the energetic belt region, and follows the frequency ordering of . Our explanation involves an alternate limit of quasi-linear analysis, commonly employed for recovering the instability threshold of runaways scattering off whistlers in fusion plasmas, and the growth rate due to the reflected particle is proportional to the inverse square root of electron temperature, where the reflected particle fraction is (Sharma and Vlahos 1984 Astrophys. J. 280 405). The measurements required to obtain the energy scaling of runaway electrons with whistler instability are critical for large devices but remain scarce. We have emphasized the analytic correlation between the two regimes in these investigations.
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