Nowadays the development of robotic systems leads to the expansion of their using in many industries including engineering, construction, geological exploration, the repair utilities, the performance of special-missions dangerous to life or health (liquidation of various accidents, consequences of emergencies, working in dangerous environments), etc. In addition, there are a large number of robots types and robot-technical complexes which are able to make decisions on the basis of obtained information in difficult operating conditions or to adapt to environmental changes. In such robots and robot-technical complexes the latest achievements of information technology have been realized: devices and systems of information perception, digital devices and microprocessors for the transformation and processing of information, generators of working units with digital program management, modern software tools.Comprehensive approach to design, which involves the theoretical and practical tasks solving, is of great importance for the specialized robots development. The basic possibilities of creating complex technical objects are connected with the involvement of this approach, as well as the ability to reduce significantly the time frame for their design and obtain accurate data of their main technical and operational indicators. Automated design systems are powerful means of mathematical modeling for theoretical problems solving in the dynamic analysis of robotic complexes. Using of such system allows to obtain preliminary data on kinematics or dynamics of robotic systems as well as to simulate various non-scheduled situations, arising during their operation, at the initial stages of the design.It should be noted that nowadays there are a large number of kinematic chassis schemes [1, 2, 4, 7], which are covered in many publications devoted to the study of their dynamics [3, 6] and solving various applications. A common disadvantage of such studies is a narrow area of their application.In this paper we consider the problem of developing a numerical model of a wheel chassis of 8W4P class which kinematics and dynamics are discussed in [8, 9]. The presence of this model allows both to investigate the dynamics of the chassis during various obstacles overcoming and parametric optimization. The task of the given program movement realization is typical for a robotic technical system on a wheeled platform. The various approaches of its implementation are known. For the chassis of the considered design this task is realized by means of the specialized automated design system EULER.
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