Previous articleNext article No AccessNegro Employment in Southern IndustryDonald DeweyDonald Dewey Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Journal of Political Economy Volume 60, Number 4Aug., 1952 Article DOI Views: 12Total views on this site Citations: 26Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1952 The University of Chicago PressPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Nina Banks, Warren C. Whatley A Nation of Laws, and Race Laws, Journal of Economic Literature 60, no.22 (Jun 2022): 427–453. Aneja, Guo Xu The Costs of Employment Segregation: Evidence from the Federal Government Under Woodrow Wilson, The Quarterly Journal of Economics 137, no.22 (Oct 2021): 911–958. Ikeda The nature and limits of Gary Becker’s theory of racial discrimination, The Review of Austrian Economics 31, no.44 (Apr 2018): 403–417. D. Hill, Arun D. Upadhyay, Rafik I. Beekun Do female and ethnically diverse executives endure inequity in the CEO position or do they benefit from their minority status? An empirical examination, Strategic Management Journal 36, no.88 (May 2014): 1115–1134.éo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche L’économie des discriminations : conquête impérialiste ou contribution à la théorie des prix ?, OEconomia , no.3-13-1 (Mar 2013): 87–118. Fleury Wandering Through the Borderlands of the Social Sciences: Gary Becker’s Economics of Discrimination, History of Political Economy 44, no.11 (Mar 2012): 1–40. A. Sundstrom African Americans in the U.S. Economy Since Emancipation, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2011). T. Law and Mindy S. Marks Effects of Occupational Licensing Laws on Minorities: Evidence from the Progressive Era Law/Marks, The Journal of Law and Economics 52, no.22 (Jul 2015): 351–366. T. Law, Mindy Marks The Effects of Occupational Licensing Laws on Minorities: Evidence from the Progressive Era, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2008). A. Sundstrom The Geography of Wage Discrimination in the Pre–Civil Rights South, The Journal of Economic History 67, no.0202 (May 2007). Baldwin, RJ Butler, WG Johnson A hierarchical theory of occupational segregation and wage discrimination, Economic Inquiry 39, no.11 (Mar 2007): 94–110. A. Sundstrom The Great Migration and the Economic Status of African-Americans Since the Great Depression: Puzzles and Paradoxes, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 1998). A. Sundstrom Explaining the Racial Unemployment Gap: Race, Region, and the Employment Status of Men, 1940, ILR Review 50, no.33 (Apr 1997): 460–477. N. Maloney Degrees of Inequality: The Advance of Black Male Workers in the Northern Meat Packing and Steel Industries before World War II, Social Science History 19, no.11 (Jan 2016): 31–62. A. Sundstrom The Color Line: Racial Norms and Discrimination in Urban Labor Markets, 1910–1950, The Journal of Economic History 54, no.22 (Mar 2009): 382–396. A. Sundstrom Last Hired, First Fired? Unemployment and Urban Black Workers During the Great Depression, The Journal of Economic History 52, no.22 (Mar 2009): 415–429. A. SUNDSTROM Half a Career: Discrimination & Railroad Internal Labor Markets, Industrial Relations 29, no.33 (Sep 1990): 423–440. C. Whatley Getting a Foot in the Door: “Learning,” State Dependence, and the Racial Integration of Firms, The Journal of Economic History 50, no.11 (Mar 2009): 43–66. Roback The Political Economy of Segregation: The Case of Segregated Streetcars, The Journal of Economic History 46, no.44 (Mar 2009): 893–917. Fishback Segregation in Job Hierarchies: West Virginia Coal Mining, 1906–1932, The Journal of Economic History 44, no.33 (Mar 2009): 755–774. Alexis, Marshall H. Medoff Becker's Utility Approach to Discrimination: A Review of the Issues, The Review of Black Political Economy 12, no.44 (Jul 2018): 41–58. Ramstad Institutional Economics: How Prevalent in the Labor Literature?, Journal of Economic Issues 15, no.22 (Jan 2016): 339–350. Challenor Towards South African Economic Hegemony in Africa: A Preliminary Assessment, The Review of Black Political Economy 2, no.33 (Jul 2018): 56–80. Barbara R. Bergmann The Effect on White Incomes of Discrimination in Employment, Journal of Political Economy 79, no.22 (Oct 2015): 294–313. Delton The African American Struggle for Jobs, (): 17–41. I. SIGNORI, HENRY REMPEL, HARRY STEVENS BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ATTITUDES TOWARD HIRING SOCIALLY DISADVANTAGED PERSONS, Psychological Reports 20, no.22 (Apr 1967): 643–656.
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