Intelligent Transport Communication (ITC) has gained popularity in the present day scenario, where communication in vehicle is possible and it can be between Vehicle to Vehicle or Vehicle to Infrastructure. Security is one of the important issue in Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETS) and some of the main features of security are Privacy, Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication and Non-repudiation. In the present scenario privacy along with security is considered to be one of the important factor, since the malicious nodes can attack the vehicles at any point of time during communication. Thus , Secured Privacy in Vehicular Adhoc Networks by Generating Efficient Pseudonym based on Weil Pair Algorithm (SPGPWP), is developed to address secured privacy in VANET’s . In the proposed algorithm, communication between vehicles are provided by using pseudonyms generated by road side units with the help of main authority. Our SPGPWP also includes that the pseudonyms received by vehicles from road side units are modified within the vehicle by using Weil pairing algorithm and provides secure communication between vehicle to vehicle without revealing its original identity, thus making the communication anonymous between all the vehicles except the intended vehicles. Simulation is performed to test the performance parameters such as latency, encryption, decryption time, and total time for communication. These performance parameters are compared with RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman).
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