The structure of the original producing composition (Austrian, Hungarian, Dutch, French selection) was studied; there were 67 lines with 1718 descendants. It was determined that the progenitors of the factory lines of breeds: Merinolandshafe, Texel, EIle-de-France, Suffolk are removed from their modern descendants for 3-4 generations, and in the Romanov breed for 6-8 generations, and do not have a fixed phenotypic similarity with them. At the same time, specific features of the genealogical structure are characteristic for each line, and the rams and ewe of each separate line do not have established connections with other intra-breeding elements. In studies conducted in Breeding facility "Zherebkovichi", the future work with breed merinolandschaf (16 rams) was determined, which will allow to create and test 5 lines in the breed Merinolandshafe of the Belarusian selection. In 7 lines, there is one successor, which is planned to be used for obtaining two-breed ewes, when entering the cross with the ewes of the Ascanian, Precos, and Texel breeds. When carrying out work in Breeding facility "Vitebsk plempredpriyatie", 5 lines of Dutch selection were identified in the Texel breed, and 5 lines in the Suffolk breed. In the farm "Willia-agro" of Kobrin district, 10 lines of the Suffolk breed of Belarusian selection are allocated. It is necessary to pay special attention to the possibility of exchanging breeding material between these enterprises during further selection work with the breed. It is established that according to the characteristics of the origin and expression of the desired type (with improved meat productivity), the animals available in these sheep farms can be used to create breeding groups of sheep of the meat-wool direction of productivity with improved meat qualities. It was determined that producing rams did not meet the requirements of the standard for breeds of meat and wool direction of productivity according to body weight (minus 2.8-32.8 kg), with the exception of males of the EIle-de-France breed (plus 1.6 kg). The average indicator of body weight of ewes made (67.2±0.64 kg), which exceeds the minimum requirements for breeds by 2.2 kg: Askanian, Ile-de-France, Texel, but lower for Merinolandshafe and Suffolk breeds by 7.8 and 2.8 kg, respectively. It was determined that the following measurements were found to be the most variable in rams: height at the withers (7.5±0.63 %), girth (7.11±0.60 %) and body weight (16.3±1.38 %). Similar situation is observed for ewes: height at the withers (7.1±0.35 %), girth (8.55±0.42 %) and body weight (13.8±0.67 %). It should be noted that variation ratios are small, they indicate the evenness of the linear measurements of the producing stock, which range within 20.0 %.