Plasma and tissue samples were collected weekly from juvenile coho salmon during the parr-smolt transformation as well as for an additional 12 weeks in freshwater during desmoltification. The parameters measured were: plasma growth hormone, muscle glycogen, liver glycogen, liver glucose, muscle protein, muscle amino acid nitrogen, and individual plasma saturated and unsaturated free fatty acids. Plasma levels of growth hormone increased over the sampling period. Muscle and liver glycogen decreased during smoltification but increased again over desmoltification. Liver free glucose was unchanged over the sampling period except for low levels seen over a 3-week period immediately following normal release from the hatchery. The ratio of liver free glucose to glycogen increased during smoltification and then decreased. Muscle protein levels were fairly stable over both smoltification and desmoltification. Amino acid nitrogen content of the muscle fluctuated weekly but generally increased over the latter weeks of the study. Both the saturated and unsaturated plasma free fatty acids remained stable initially, but increased dramatically near the end of the study. Correlations between the various parameters and plasma growth hormone are examined to ascertain possible roles of growth hormone in the physiology of the smoltification and desmoltification processes.
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