Accurate and precise monitoring of species abundance is essential for determining population trends and responses to environmental change. Species, such as bats, that have slow life histories, characterized by extended lifespans and low reproductive rates, are particularly vulnerable to environmental changes, stochastic events, and human activities. An accurate assessment of productivity can improve parameters for population modelling and provide insights into species’ capacity to recover from population perturbations, yet data on reproductive output are often lacking. Recently, advances in drone technology have allowed for the development of a drone-based thermal remote sensing technique to accurately and precisely count the numbers of flying-foxes (Pteropus spp.) in their tree roosts. Here, we extend that method and use a drone-borne thermal camera flown at night to count the number of flying-fox pups that are left alone in the roost whilst their mothers are out foraging. We show that this is an effective method of estimating flying-fox productivity on a per-colony basis, in a standardized fashion, and at a relatively low cost. When combined with a day-time drone flight used to estimate the number of adults in a colony, this can also provide an estimate of female reproductive performance, which is important for assessments of population health. These estimates can be related to changes in local food availability and weather conditions (including extreme heat events) and enable us to determine, for the first time, the impacts of disturbances from site-specific management actions on flying-fox population trajectories.
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