LONDON. Royal Society, February 7.—G. Udny Yule: A mathematical theory of evolution based on the conclusions of Dr. F. C. Willis, F-.R.S. The fundamental assumptions are that: (i) Within any species, in any interval of time, an “accident “may happen that brings about “specific mutation,” i.e. the throwing of a new form, regarded as a new species within the same genus; (2) within any genus, in any interval of time, an “accident “may happen that brings about “generic mutation,” i.e. the throwing of a new form so different from the parent that it will be placed in a new genus. Both chances are taken as invariable within, the group considered and constant for all time. Sections I.—III. of the paper lead up to the expression for frequency-distribution of size of genus at any given time. In Section IV. the expression is tested on data for four cases, and gives very good agreement with facts, but there are serious difficulties of interpretation. In Section V., frequency-distributions of age for genera of a given size are determined. Approximately for large genera after infinite time, the mean age varies as the logarithm of the number of species, but the dispersion is considerable. When time is limited, primordial and derived genera form distinct groups. Finally in Section VI. an attempt is made to estimate the doubling period for species in flowering plants, which is placed at probably some two or three million years, the present rate of production of specific mutations probably lying between i in 15 and I in 30 years, among all flowering plants on the whole surface of the globe.—L. B. Winter and W. Smith: Studies on carbohydrate metabolism. I. Variations in the nature of the blood sugar. Marked differences exist between the blood sugar of normal persons and those suffering from diabetes mellitus. The sugar was extracted from considerable quantities of blood and a comparison made between the observed optical rotation (P) and that calculated from the reducing power of the carbohydrate, on the basis that glucose is the only reducing substance present (C). In diabetic cases, P is usually greater than C, and is increased by mild hydrolysis with weak hydrochloric acid, whereas C is unaltered. This may be evidence for the existence of complex sugars in diabetic blood. Similar substances are present in the blood of rabbits after injection of either adrenaline or thyroid alone. Injection of thyroid and adrenaline together usually causes an increase in the total blood sugar, but no change from the normal; P is low and complex sugars are absent. After injection, of insulin into rabbits the blood sugar is dextro-rotary, but has no copper reducing power. Insulin convulsions in rabbits are relieved by adrenaline alone or by a mixture of thyroid and adrenaline.—J. W. Pickering and J. A. Hewitt: The action of “peptone “and of nucleic acids on the coagulability of the blood. Intravascular injection of Witte's “peptone “into tortoises deprived of hepatic activity inhibits coagulation of blood subsequently shed. Addition of moderate concentrations of “peptone “to blood of the tortoise in vitro causes prolonged inhibition of clotting, provided the blood has not been in contact with damaged tissues. As regards rats, partly pigmented animals are more resistant to the anticoagulant action of peptone and to its toxic effect on the heart than are animals with completely pigmented fur. Albino rats are still more resistant. The rapid intravascular injection or addition in vitro of thymus or yeast nucleic acids inhibits coagulation of blood shed from, cats and rats which have been deprived of hepatic activity. Serial intra-vascular injections of thymus nucleic acid into cats or rats deprived of hepatic activity produce hyper-coagulability followed by tolerance, culminating in immunity to the anticoagulant action of nucleic acid. Immunisation can be produced with material free from protein. Anticoagulant action of thymus nucleic acid is exhibited during the presence and absence of platelets. It is suggested that nucleic acid inhibits clotting by union with plasma components, forming a more stable complex than that existent in normal circulating blood.—E. C. Grey: The latent fermenting powers of bacteria. Pts. I., II., and III. There cannot be a host of essentially different anzymes. The mechanism by which succinic acid is split into two parts cannot differ fundamentally from the mechanism by which glucose is split into two parts to form lactic acid, or three parts to form acetic acid, or into two parts to form a mixture of succinic acid and acetic acid or alcohol. It is not conceivable that the addition of formates can change one enzyme into another, as the lactic-acid-forming enzyme into an acetic-acid-forming enzyme, unless both have a common basis.
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