We propose a quantized Majorana pump (QMP) in semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures. The pump consists of a Majorana nanowire, i.e., a Rashba wire in proximity to an $s$-wave superconductor and in a magnetic field, and two ferromagnetic leads. When the orientation of the magnetic field is rotated by $2\ensuremath{\pi}$, an elementary charge $e$ is transferred between two leads. The number of the pumped charge in a cycle is related to the winding number of the Andreev reflection amplitude. In the topologically trivial phase without Majorana zero mode (MZM), the pumped charge decreases rapidly to zero. More importantly, the pump works at zero bias and provides a more effective way to distinguish MZMs from trivial partially separated Andreev bound states. Therefore, this QMP provides not only a smoking-gun signature of MZMs, but also an ideal platform to realize topological single-electron pumps with the potential for realizing novel current standards in electrical metrology.