As waves propagate from deep to shallow water, various effects of the shallowing depth of water spatially modify spectral characteristics of the sea surface. In such spatially inhomogeneous regimes, spectral 99putations based on a finite field size are subject to errors due to an inherent spatial smoothing in addition to resolution errors of a more conventional nature. The conflicting requirements of resolution and smoothing errors for an accurate analysis prescribe an optimal field size for which the combined magnitude of such errors is minimal. The optimal field size, the associated errors in resolution and smoothing, and the conditions for limiting accuracy are derived for computations in a shallow water wave field in which refraction and shoaling constitute the predominant inhomogeneity effects. Bottom friction, percolation, and reflection are neglected, and calculations are based on a first-order approximate shallow water wave theroy. entirely appropriate and effective in the study of the ocean sur- face. These techniques offer certain advantages over various other techniques for the computation of two-dimensional wave number spectra: the advantages of economy and of covering large areas in a short time..Stilwell ( 1969) and Stilwell and Pilon (1974) developed and demonstrated an operational photographic system capable of providing quantitative es- timates of surface wave spectra for nonstationary and spatially homogeneous wave fields and suggested further applications of these techniques in the study of wave propagation, interac- tion, and generation. Although several limitations resulting from wave slopes, solar angles, sky luminance, haze, etc., influence the accuracy of spectral estimates obtained with photographic techniques, the applicability of these methods is not severely restricted un- less a fundamental assumption embedded in such techniques is violated. This is the assumption of spatial homogeneity, i.e., the requirement that the statistical properties of the sea surface remain essentially the same over the area to be spectrally analyzed. The violation of this assumption means that if the size of the area to be photographed is too large, the spectral characteristics of a given location may be smoothed or smeared out by contamination from the neighboring areas in the estimation process. On the other hand, if the size of the area photographed is too small, the accuracy of the resulting estimates will be limited in terms of spectral resolution. Recently, in applying photooptical techniques in shallow water, Klemas et al. (1974) pointed out that the spatial ir- homogeneity of the shallow water wave field requires choosing an optimal field size. Co0sequently, questions arise as to the rational basis for such a selection, the criteria governing the accuracy of the associated shallow water spectral estimates, and the limiting conditions under which the applicability of photographic techniques becomes doubtful. Polis ( 1974), using Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, showed the possibility of choosing an optimal field size on the basis of a trade off that must be made between the intrinsic spatial variation of a wave number in shallow water and the increase in the resolution of the wave number from a larger field size. Although this con- cept is interesting as an optical analogy and obviously useful in examining a regular train of waves in shallow water, its ap.