ABSTRACT H. E. Jacobs (corresponding author)Department of Civil Engineering,University of Stellenbosch,Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602,South AfricaE-mail: hejacobs@sun.ac.zaJ. HaarhoffDepartment of Civil Engineering Science,University of Johannesburg,P.O. Box 524, Aucklandpark 2006,South AfricaTel.: +27 11 559 2148,Fax: +27 11 559 2395 A residential end use model (REUM) which accounts for indoor water demand, outdoor waterdemand, hot water demand, wastewater flow and the mass of total dissolved substances (TDS) inthe wastewater, was earlier described by the authors. The integral relationship between waterquality and quantity in the model allows for holistic modelling of different water demandmanagement measures’ effects. The model covers 16 independent micro-components of wateruse and requires numerous model parameters. This paper has the objective to prioritise the 79parameters which remain after stripping all possible redundancy from the model in terms of theirrelative impact. Two ranking criteria are used: the elasticity and the sensitivity of each parameter.The results, benchmarked to a typical South African suburban residence, show that householdsize is the most notable parameter for modelling the indoor water demand, hot water demandand wastewater flow volume. Pan evaporation and a factor describing actual lawn irrigation inrelation to theory are most notable for modelling the outdoor demand. Wastewater TDSconcentration is dominated by what is added at the toilet rather than pharmaceuticals andpersonal care products (PPCPs) added at other entry points to the wastewater system. Themethodology developed and results obtained underpin the view that effective water demandmanagement policies can only be rationally formulated with the assistance of a comprehensivewater and wastewater model based on micro-components of water use.