Sustainable reuse of treated wastewater sludge or biosolids in agricultural production requires comprehensive understanding of their risks and benefits. Microbes are central mediators of many biosolids-associated risks and benefits, however understanding of their responses to biosolids remains minimal. Application of biosolids to soils amounts to a coalescence of two distinct microbial communities adapted to vastly different matrices. High-throughput DNA and RNA sequencing (HTS) approaches are required to accurately describe the compositional and functional outcomes of this process as they currently provide the highest possible resolution to deal with complex community-scale phenomena. Furthermore, linkage of HTS data to physicochemical and functional data can reveal biotic and abiotic drivers of coalescence, impacts of biosolids-borne contaminants and the collective downstream implications for soil and plant health. Here we review the current body of literature examining microbial communities in biosolids-amended soils using HTS of total community DNA and RNA. We provide a critical synthesis of soil microbial community composition and functional responses, the physical, chemical and biological drivers of these responses, and the influence of three major biosolids-borne anthropogenic contaminants of concern; antimicrobials and antimicrobial resistance genes, plastics, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Finally, we identify methodological limitations and outstanding research questions precluding a holistic understanding of microbial responses in biosolids-amended soils and envision future research whereby sequence-based microbial ecology is integrated with soil, plant, and contaminant data to preserve soil health, support plant productivity, and remediate contaminants.
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