PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 北部湾北部水母类群集结构与数量分布 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201307011812 作者: 作者单位: 厦门大学海洋与地球学院,厦门大学海洋与地球学院,厦门大学海洋与地球学院,厦门大学海洋与地球学院 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 我国近海海洋综合调查与评价专项(908-01-ST09);海洋公益项目"东南沿海半封闭海湾生态系统对人类活动干扰的响应评价、生态重构技术及示范"(201005012);国家自然科学基金(41006078) The assemblage and abundance distribution of jellyfish in northern Beibu Gulf Author: Affiliation: College of Ocean and Earth Science,Xiamen University,College of Ocean and Earth Science,Xiamen University,College of Ocean and Earth Science,Xiamen University,College of Ocean and Earth Science,Xiamen University Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:根据"908"专项北部湾2006-2007年四个季节的调查数据,分析了北部湾北部(20°N以北海域)水母类的种类组成、数量分布、优势种和群集结构特征及其环境影响因子。该区共记录水母类4类125种,分别为水螅水母类99种、管水母类17种、钵水母类4种和栉水母5种;以沿岸暖水种为主,占本区水母总种数的61.6%,其次是大洋暖水种,占37.6%,沿岸暖温种仅占0.8%。种数季节变化呈单峰型,夏季83种,冬季56种,秋季和春季各49种,四季均以水螅水母类为主。周年丰度变化呈单峰型,夏季(943.0 个/m3)> 春季(572.4 个/m3)> 冬季(548.2 个/m3)> 秋季(427.6 个/m3)。拟细浅室水母、双生水母、球型侧腕水母、四叶小舌水母、半口壮丽水母、两手筐水母、异摇篮水母、双小水母、单囊美螅水母、疣真囊水母、半球美螅水母、六幅和平水母、八囊摇篮水母、刺胞真囊水母、黑球真唇水母、端粗范式水母和细颈和平水母共17种全年出现,为四季种;其中,前7种为四季优势种,优势度(Y)分别为0.25、0.19、0.09、0.08、0.05、0.03和0.03,各季节的优势种演替模式不尽相同。依据水母种类和数量分布情况,北部湾北部水母类可划分2个群集:栖息在受沿岸流影响的20 m以浅的低盐群集,代表种有拟细浅室水母和双生水母等;栖息在受外海水影响的20 m以深的高盐群集,代表种有四叶小舌水母、半口壮丽水母和两手筐水母等。海流与水团的消长是影响水母类群集结构和水平分布格局的重要影响因素。 Abstract:The assemblage structure and abundance distribution of jellyfish were studied based on the samples of Beibu Gulf during 4 seasons in 2006-2007. The environmental factors that probably affected the number of species, abundance and assemblage structure were analyzed. The study showed that a total of 125 jellyfish species were identified, which belongs to 4 assembleges, they were Hydromedusae, Siphonophora, Scyphomedusae and Ctenophore. Hydromedusae was the dominant assemblege, accounted for 79.2% of the total species. The species number of jellyfish varied seasonally, there was 83 in summer, which was the highest among 4 seasons, followed by winter, autumn and spring, the species number were 56, 49 and 49. The 20 meters deep of water could be considered as the boundary according to the horizontal distribution of jellyfish species, the species number of the above was more than the under. There were three ecological groups of the jellyfish, the neritic warm-water group such as Lensia subtiloides, Diphyes chamissonis and Pleurobrachia globosa was the dominant group, accounted for 61.6% of total species, followed by the high-temperature oceanic group, occupied 37.6%, Liriope tetraphylla, Aglaura hemistoma and Solmundella bitentaculata were belonged to this group, and there was only one neritic low-temperature specie identified, that was Ocyropsis crystallina. The abundance of jellyfish varied seasonally, was highest in summer, followed by spring, winter and autumn. The abundance in the northwest of the studied area was higher, and the northern of Weizhou Island was lower, basiclly less than 10.0 ind/m3. There were 17 seasonal species which appeared the whole year, 7 of them were dominant species, Lensia subtiloides, Diphyes chamissonis, Pleurobrachia globosa and Liriope tetraphylla were the most important. Lensia subtiloides got the largest abundance in summer, made contributions to 40.4% of the sum. Diphyes chamissonis' abundance was large in spring and winter, occounted for 36.3% and 32.6% of the sum in each season. The abundance of Liriope tetraphylla in autumn occupied 36.7% of the sum, was far more than the other three seasons. Pleurobrachia globosa' abundance in 4 seasons changed not much compared to the 3 mentioned species, was largest in summer, occupied 12.2% of the sum. The assemblage of jellyfish in northern Beibu Gulf was analyzed based on the effect of 10 factors, they were deeper (D, m), surface temperature (Ts,℃), middle temperature (Tm, ℃), bottom temperature (Tb, ℃), surface salinity (Ss), middle salinity (Sm), bottom salinity (Sb), surface chlorophll a (Chas, mg/m3), middle chlorophll a (Cham, mg/m3) and bottom chlorophll a (Chab, mg/m3). Though the results showed details difference in 4 seasons, it could be divided into two groups, the low-salinity group (lower than 20 m) and high-salinity group (deeper than 20 m) formed northern Beibu Gulf jellyfish assemblage structure. The low-salinity group was mainly affected by the coastal current from Guangxi to Vietnam, this group had two types depended on temperature, they were the neritic low-temperature type and the neritic warm-water type. The high-salinity group was mainly affected by the seawater. The environmental factors varied during four seasons. Currents and water masses were the main factors on jellyfish assemblage and abundance distribution. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献