Aim. To identify subgroups of patients with primary osteoarthritis of the hip joint (pHOA) with similar imaging and laboratory findings, disease evolution, and response to conventional therapies. Methods. We performed further statistical analyses on patient data from two published, double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled studies (DB-RCTs), which examined the effects of intra-articular corticosteroids (ia-CSs), hyaluronic acid (ia-HA)-KИ-109-3-0008/14.01.2014, and intravenous bisphosphonates (iv-BPs) -KИ- 109-3-0009/14.01.2014 compared to the country's standard pHOA therapy. The data span an 8-year follow-up of 700 patients with pHOA, including: 1. Clinical parameters (WOMAC-A, B, C, and T; PtGA). 2. Laboratory markers (serum calcium and phosphate levels; 25-OH-D and PTH, markers for bone sCTX-I and cartilage uCTX-II turnover). 3. Radiological indicators: X-ray stage (Kellgren-Lawrence (K/L) and model (Bombelli/OOARSI), width (mJSW), speed (JSN mm/year), and zone of maximum narrowing of the joint space (max-JSN)-determining the type of femoral head migration (FHM). 4. DXA indicators: bone geometry (HAL; NSA; and MNW); changes in regional and total bone mineral density (TH-BMD, LS-BMD, and TB-BMD). 5. Therapeutic responses (OARSI/MCII; mJSW; JSNmm/yearly) to different drug regimens (iv-BP -zoledronic acid (ZA/-5 mg/yearly for 3 years)); ia-CS 40 mg methylprednisolone acetate, twice every 6 months; and ia-HA with intermediate molecular weight (20 mg/2 mL × 3 weekly applications, two courses every 6 months) were compared to standard of care therapy (Standard of Care/SC/), namely D3-supplementation according to serum levels (20-120 ng/mL; target level of 60 ng/mL), simple analgesics (paracetamol, up to 2.0 g/24 h), and physical exercises. The abovementioned data were integrated into a non-supervised hierarchical agglomerative clustering analysis (NHACA) using Ward's linkage method and the squared Euclidean distance to identify different endophenotypes (EFs). Univariate and multivariate multinomial logistic regression analyses were performed to determine the impact of sex and FHM on clinical and radiographic regression of pHOA. Results. A baseline cluster analysis using incoming (M0) patient data identified three EFs: hypertrophic H-HOA, atrophic A-HOA, and intermediate I-HOA. These EFs had characteristics that were similar to those of patients grouped by radiographic stage and pattern ('H'-RPs, 'I'-RPs, and 'A'-RPs), p < 0.05). The repeated cluster analysis of M36 data identified four EF pHOAs: 1. Hypertrophic (slow progressors, the influence of the type of femoral head migration (FHM) outweighing the influence of sex on progression), progressing to planned total hip replacement (THR) within 5 (K/LIII) to 10 (K/LII) years. 2. Intermediate (sex is more important than the FHM type for progression) with two subgroups: 2#: male-associated (slow progressors), THR within 4 (K/LIII) to 8 years. (K/LII). 2* Female-associated (rapid progressors), THR within 3 (K/LIII) to 5 (K/LII) years. 3. Atrophic (rapid progressors; the influence of FHM type outweighs that of sex), THR within 2 (K/LIII) to 4 (K/LII) years. Each EF, in addition to the patient's individual progression rate, was also associated with a different response to the aforementioned therapies. Conclusions. Clinical endophenotyping provides guidance for a personalized approach in patients with pHOA, simultaneously assisting the creation of homogeneous patient groups necessary for conducting modern genetic and therapeutic scientific studies.