Ausubel’s dynamic private-values auction for heterogeneous discrete goods, Ausubel (2006), yields an efficient equilibrium outcome but it is designed for a limited class of environments. If bidders’ values for bundles of goods are not integers, then Ausubel’s auction may end without allocating goods if no information on bidders’ values is available. In this paper, I extend Ausubel’s auction for heterogeneous discrete goods to real-valued quasilinear utility functions. The mechanism I propose reaches a Walrasian equilibrium price vector in finite “steps” without any additional information on bidders’ values. In the extension of Ausubel’s auction, truthful bidding constitutes an efficient equilibrium. JEL Category D44 ∗I would like to thank Ket Richter and Jan Werner for their continuous support, patience, and effort for my education. Their guidance has been enlightening. I would like to thank late Leo Hurwicz, and Andy McLennan for their contribution to my education. I benefited a lot from discussions with David Rahman and Itai Sher. I also would like to thank Pat Bajari, Tuba Inal, Ichiro Obara, Raj Singh, and the seminar participants at Central Michigan University, METU, the University of Minnesota, the Virginia Commonwealth University, Whitman College, the Games 2008, and the Society for Economic Design 2008 Conference for their valuable comments. All errors are mine. †
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