The expressions “prisoner” and “person arrested” designate a person deprived of his personal liberty as a result of conviction for the commission of an offence. It is, therefore, the deprivation of liberty, the highest restriction of movement and inclusion. But difficulties exist and detainees and prisoners continue to constitute an important challenge for the general increase of respect for the human person. Data from the Secretariat of Human Rights. One of the most used imaging tests in medicine is ultrasonography. The procedure consists of using a machine to visualize internal organs, whose capture is made by sound waves. It is a non-invasive test that can be performed even by children and pregnant women, due to their safety. Given the above, this article aims to describe the importance of USG in the prison environment. Thus generating an economy for the state in transport, escort, safer for society, avoiding escape attempts. This is an integrative literature review, which is a method that makes it possible to synthesize previously published knowledge and draw conclusions about one of the topics of interest. The incarcerated, recurrently, come from more vulnerable areas and belong to various genders of society: young, poor, mentally ill, alcoholics and illicit drug addicts, therefore, belong to a risk group with greater probability of acquiring diseases. In prisons, such problems are high in number, due to the poor conditions of the facilities, violence and confinement. Some factors faced by detainees in prisons are overcrowding, stress, illicit activities, among others. It can be observed the importance in the prison scope of the implementation of the USG, as a routine in the unit, since it generates savings for the state, both in relation to transport, escort, thus, safer for society, avoiding escape attempts.
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