We have investigated the vortex phase diagram of YBa 2Cu 4O 8 single crystals of intermediate c-axis anisotropy by means of the magnetic torque, the DC magnetization, and the AC susceptibility. The single crystals have been grown by a self-flux method under high-pressure. The magnetization curve shows a second peak. The torque also shows the multiple peak effects. The central peak is due to the intrinsic pinning. The first torque peak at θ ca ≃90±10° requires the existence of the field component parallel to the CuO 2 planes. The second torque peak at θ ca ∼90±30° roughly correlates with the second peak in magnetization. We summarize the vortex melting line and the lines for the various peaks in the HT diagram. We find that vortex phase diagram of YBa 2Cu 4O 8 in H ∥ c is very different from those for the YBa 2Cu 3O 7−δ and Bi 2Sr 2CaCu 2O 8+δ.