The O( 1S) quantum yield in O 2 + dissociative recombination f( 1S) in the nocturnal F-region and processes O + + O 2 → O + O 2 +( ν ⩽ 7) and O 2 + ( ν) + O → O 2 +( ν′ < ν) + Space Sci. 36, 621) and Yee et al. (1989, in Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiment and Applications, World Scientific, New Jersey) have earlier concluded the values of f( 1S) obtained from the Visible Airglow Experiment do not seem explicable in terms of the ab initio results of Guberman (1987, Nature 327, 408) on the α( 1S, ν) direct dissociative recombination coefficients. It is argued that the discrepancy cannot be attributed to an overlooked O( 1S) source in the F-region. Doubt is thrown on the correctness of the results of the Visible Airglow Experiment by a recent determination of the f( 1S)/f( 1D) ratio by Takahashi et al. (1990, Planet. Space Sci. 38, 547) from equatorial F-region profile measurements. These are consistent in general with theoretical expectation. However, discrepancies appear in detailed facets of the data. If they are real they may conceivably be due to the computed α( 1S, ν) being less accurate than has been supposed. The possibility is raised that α( 1S, 0), in particular, is affected by the neglected indirect dissociative recombination. Laboratory measurements on f( 1S) by Queffelec et al. (1989, J. chem. Phys. 91, 5335) are considered. They conflict with so much independent evidence that they must be regarded with reserve.
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