We investigate the onset and growth of viscous fingering (VF) of miscible annulus in a radial Hele-Shaw cell. Systematic numerical study on a finite annulus domain is performed by employing finite element method solver in COMSOL Multiphysics software. We justify that concentration field analysis is not a good choice for dynamic study in radial flows. Instead, velocity magnitude is a better tool to understand the dynamics. Therefore, we propose velocity field analysis to better differentiate the stable and unstable states and present a new stability criterion using the velocity field method. Most interestingly, using the velocity field analysis and the new stability criterion, we show a restabilization of the VF at a critical time when the system becomes diffusion dominant and able to provide both the onset time, τon (time at which instability develops), and the time at which the interface returns to the stable state, τd. Furthermore, the study successfully suggests the critical values for several dimensionless parameters, the Péclet number (Pe), log-viscosity ratio (R), and volumetric ratio (ra) and time (τ), to induce instability. When Pe is higher than 103, the evolution of VF instability is no longer enhanced by Pe, and Rc converges to a certain value. In particular, for the transiently unstable system of low Pe, the restabilization of VF instability is identified even though R is higher than Rc. The unstable system (τ>τon) returns to the stable state as injection time increases further. Moreover, we obtained a critical value of the volumetric ratio (rc,a).
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