李夏坤은 18세기 전반의 대표 문인이며 서화비평가로 학계의 주목을 받았다. 기존 연구에서 이하곤의 생애는 일대기의 정리에 그치거나 또는 산수를 좋아하여 은거한 인물로 평가하였다. 「두타초」를 통독하며 기존의 평가에 동의하기 어려웠던 필자는 그의 시문에 표출된 상반된 심리의 고찰을 통해 그가 어떤 사유의 소유자인지 구명하여, 그의 문학 연구에 기하고자 한다. 이하곤은 立德과 立言에 從事하여 당대에 혜택을 끼치고 후대에 명성을 남기고자 하였다고 밝혔다. 반면에 산수를 좋아하여 여덟아홉 살 때부터 산에서 살고자 했다고 하였다. 이처럼 그는 공명심의 소유자이면서도 은거를 지향한 인물이다. 大科에 급제하지 못한 이하곤은 평생 야인으로 생활하였다. 그는 “자적하는 삶이 귀중하다.[人生貴自適]”라고 천명하고, 상당 기간을 진천에서 한가로운 삶을 보냈다. 그러나 1716년에 지은 <李子有哀辭>에서 “귀향한 뒤로 쓸쓸하게 지내며 어울리는 사람이 없다가……[自余歸鄕以來, 杜門蕭然, 無與過從者, ……]”라고 하였다. 知性人으로서 공명 성취의 의지를 완전히 버리지 못한 채 어울릴 사람도 없이 벽지에서 지내면서 밀려오는 외로움에 이하곤은 힘겨워했다. 그 외로움은 그가 추구했던 자적과는 다른 느낌으로 표출되었다. 이러한 점으로 볼 때 이하곤은 진정한 隱者라기 보다는 不遇者에 가깝다. 그는 자신의 불우를 스스로 달래는 내용의 시를 다수 남겼는데, 이는 그가 진정으로 바랐던 것은 은거가 아니라 공렬과 명성 수립이었음을 의미 한다. 결국 이하곤은 자신이 소원한 공명 수립에는 실패했지만 자신이 사랑 하는 산수 속에서 외로움을 견디며 자적하는 삶을 살고자 한 인물이라고 하겠다. 한 작가의 작품을 감상하고 이해하기 위해서는 기본적으로 그의 사유세계를 파악해야 한다. 은자가 아니라 불우자에 가깝다고 해서 이하곤의 문학적 성취나 문학사적 위상이 떨어진다고 생각하지는 않는다. 본고의 고찰이 그의 문학을 바르게 이해하는 데 기여하기를 바란다.Yi, Ha-gon was a representative literary person in the first half of the 18 th century, and he also received attention from academic circles as a critic of paintings and writings. In the existing researches on Yi, Ha-gon’s life, they ended in organizing his life at most, or evaluated him as a person who loved landscapes while living in seclusion. Actually, it was difficult for this paper writer to agree to the existing evaluation of Yi, Ha-gon while reading through Lee, Ha-gon’s Dutacho(頭陀草) : Yi, Ha-gon’s collection of poetry and prose ; however, this writer intended to do research on Yi, Ha-gon’s literature by bringing light on what sort of a person of thinking he really was through consideration of the contradictory mentality expressed in his poetry and prose. Yi, Ha-gon himself proclaimed that he wished to benefit people of the day, and leave a good name to future generations by engaging in cultivating virtues, and presenting didactic words. In contrast, he made it clear that he would live in the mountains from the age of eight or nine because he was much attached to landscapes. Like this, Yi, Ha-gon was eager for fame, but he was also a person aiming for retiring from the world. Yi, Ha-gon, who failed in the civil service state examination, spent all his life as a person out of the government service. He clarified, “It’s important for a person to lead his/her life in self-contentment[人生貴自 適]”, and accordingly, he spent a life of leisure at Jincheon for a considerable period of time. However, as shown in <Ijayuaesa(李子有哀 辭)> written in 1716, saying ‘Without a person to socialize with while living lonesomely after returning home’[...Jayeogwihyangirae, dumunsoyeon, muyeogwajongja(自余歸鄕以來, 杜門蕭然, 無與過從者,)...], Yi, Ha-gon had to be harassed with loneliness without a person to socialize with. Yi, Ha-gon made hard work of surging loneliness while living in a remote area without a person to mingle with in a state where he didn’t completely give up his will to distinguish himself as an intellectual of the day. The loneliness is displayed in his poetry and prose in other feelings than self-contentment he pursued. In this respect, Yi, Ha-gon is approximate to an unlucky person rather than a true recluse. Yi, Ha-gon left a large number of poems having the contents of soothing his unlucky situation in person, which means what he really wished was not living in retirement but achieving great services and fame through virtue cultivation and conveyance of his didactic words. Eventually, it might be safe to say that Yi, Ha-gon failed in he-wished achievement of great services and fame, but he was a person trying to lead a self-contented life while enduring loneliness in the mountains. Basically, to appreciate and understand a writer’s work, it’s necessary to grasp his/her world of thinking. This writer thinks that because Yi, Ha-gon was a person approximate to an unlucky person other than a recluse doesn’t mean his literary achievements, or status of the Korean literature history falls. This researcher hopes that consideration in this paper could contribute towards the right understanding of his literature.