Green light with a wavelength of 520nm is commonly used in sidestream dark field (SDF) video microscopes for sublingual microcirculation assessment in clinical practice. However, blue light could obtain a clearer microcirculatory image due to a higher light absorption coefficient of hemoglobin. The aim of this study was to compare the sublingual microcirculatory image quality acquisition and related microcirculatory parameters between 520nm green light and 415nm blue light probes in the SDF device named MicroSee V100. Sublingual microcirculation films from twenty-one healthy volunteers were prospectively collected by blue light and green light probes, and only one video of each wavelength was recorded and analyzed in each volunteer. Moreover, 200 sublingual microcirculation films (100 by blue light probe and 100 by green light probe) of ICU patients were retrospectively scored for microcirculation image quality. Compared to green light, an increase in the perfused vessel density (paired t test, increased by 4.6 ± 4.7mm/mm2, P < 0.0001) and total vessel density (paired t test, increased by 5.1 ± 4.6mm/mm2, P < 0.0001) was observed by blue light in the healthy volunteers. The blue light probe had a significantly lower rate of unacceptable films than the green light probe in the 200 films of ICU patients (10/100 vs. 39/100, P < 0.0001). Blue light provides a higher microcirculatory vessel density and image quality than the existing SDF probe using green light.
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