This study assessed physical intimate partner violence (IPV) experiences and examined their association with unmet healthcare needs among married women in South Korea. We analyzed data from a nationally representative longitudinal survey of 6,533 women at baseline. Participants were asked yes/no questions about their experiences of physical IPV victimization and perpetration over the past year. The responses were classified into four categories of IPV experience: "none," "victimization only," "perpetration only," and "both victimization and perpetration." At baseline, 0.9% reported being victimized only, and 25.9% reported both victimization and perpetration. The prevalence of unmet healthcare needs over the past year at baseline was 0.8%. Compared to women without any IPV experience, women in the IPV "victimization only" category had greater unmet healthcare needs (OR: 5.49, 95% CI [2.30, 13.12]) after adjusting for sociodemographic variables. Experiencing IPV perpetration only and both IPV victimization and perpetration were not statistically significantly associated with unmet healthcare needs. These results imply that physical IPV victims face difficulties accessing healthcare services which could exacerbate health inequalities over time. Moreover, this study suggests that it is necessary to distinguish IPV victims from those who experience IPV victimization only and those who experience both IPV victimization and perpetration.