The $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectra accompanying the decay of $_{67}\mathrm{Ho}^{166}$ (26.7 h), $_{67}\mathrm{Ho}^{166m}$ (1.2\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}${10}^{3}$ yr), $_{70}\mathrm{Yb}^{166}$ (57 h), and $_{69}\mathrm{Tm}^{166}$ (7.7 h) have been examined with Ge(Li) detectors. Chemically purified sources of ${\mathrm{Yb}}^{166}$ revealed only the known 82.3-keV transition in ${\mathrm{Tm}}^{166}$. Nine transitions observed in the 26.7-h ${\mathrm{Ho}}^{166}$ activity fit known excited levels in ${\mathrm{Er}}^{166}$: 80.57 (${2}^{+}$), 786.4 (${2}^{+}$), the 1460.9-keV (${0}^{+}$) $\ensuremath{\beta}$-vibrational state, and two higher levels at 1663.0 (${1}^{+}$), and 1830.5 keV (${1}^{\ensuremath{-}}$). Forty-two of the 63 transitions observed in the spectrum of 1.2\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}${10}^{3}$-yr $_{67}\mathrm{Ho}^{166m}$ are assigned among 14 excited states in ${\mathrm{Er}}^{166}$; these states are at 80.57 (${2}^{+}$), 265.0 (${4}^{+}$), 545.4 (${6}^{+}$), 911.2 (${8}^{+}$), 859.9 (${3}^{+}$), 956.4 (${4}^{+}$), 1075.4 (${5}^{+}$), 1216.3 (${6}^{+}$), 1376.1 (${7}^{+}$), 1556.1 (${8}^{+}$), 1666.5 (${5}^{\ensuremath{-}}$), 1693.0 (${5}^{\ensuremath{-}}$), 1787.3 (6), and 1828.1 keV (5,6). The first four levels are members of the $K=0$ ground-state rotational band. The next six states are members of the $K=2$ $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-vibrational band based on the 786.4-keV band head. Approximately 90 $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays are resolved in the Ge(Li) spectrum of ${\mathrm{Tm}}^{166}$. These, together with a summary of the results of internal-conversion measurements made previously by other investigators, are listed in a table containing 110 transitions believed to ocur in the ${\mathrm{Tm}}^{166}$ decay. We have placed approximately 80 of these $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays into 23 excited states in ${\mathrm{Er}}^{166}$. The energies (keV) of these states are 80.57 (${2}^{+}$), 265.0 (${4}^{+}$), 545.4 (${6}^{+}$), 786.4 (${2}^{+}$), 859.9 (${3}^{+}$), 956.4 (${4}^{+}$), 1075.4 (${5}^{+}$), 1375 (${2}^{+}$), 1458.9 (${3}^{\ensuremath{-}}$), 1514.5 (${3}^{\ensuremath{-}}$), 1530.1 (${2}^{+}$ or ${3}^{+}$), 1572.4 (${4}^{\ensuremath{-}}$), 1704 (${3}^{+}$ or ${4}^{+}$), 1918.6 (${3}^{\ensuremath{-}}$), 1940, 2134.4 (${3}^{+}$), 2161.2 (${3}^{+}$), 2174.4 (${3}^{+}$), 2243, 2274, 2292, 2679, and 2728. The 1530- and 1704-keV states may be the ${2}^{+}$ and the ${4}^{+}$ levels of the $\ensuremath{\beta}$-vibrational band based on the 1460.9-keV (${0}^{+}$) band head. A study of the $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectrum in coincidence with annihilation radiation (in triple coincidence) indicates that the two reported positron branches of 1932 keV (1% per disintegration) and 1210 keV (0.3% per disintegration) decay to the 80.57- and to the 786.4-keV levels, respectively. Comparison of the relative $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-transition intensities between members of the $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-vibrational band and various members of the ground-state rotational band yield a value of the mixing parameter $z=0.045\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.003$. The rotational $E2$ transition rates relative to the vibrational transition rates are calculated, yielding a mean value of 45.5\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}3 for the ratio. The energy values of the members of the ground-state and $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-vibrational bands are compared with the usual expansion in $I(I+1)$. The third-order term $C{I}^{3}{(I+1)}^{3}$ is believed necessary to describe both bands.
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