Works on vibration communication for Orthoptera and Hemiptera are widely known in Russian literature. Basically, the piezoelectric adapter GZK-661 or the electromagnetic transducer GZM-105 are used for recording this communication. The use of these devices does not give satisfactory results when recording insects smaller than 1 cm. In this paper we consider a comparative characteristic of recording devices based on the piezoelectric transducer GZK-661, electromagnetic transducer GZM-105 and electrodynamic head eas15s02m when recording vibration communication of near-water rigid-winged Heterocerus fenestratus (Thunberg, 1784) (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae). A comparative analysis of the efficiency of the three transducers considered in this paper shows that the transducer based on the electrodynamic loudspeaker head used as a signal source (reverse mode of operation) has the best characteristics. In addition, the shielded magnetic system of the dynamic head provides high magnetic induction in the working gap and insensitivity to inductions from external electromagnetic fields. 176 stress signals were recorded for males and 189 for females. The range of dominant frequencies ranged from 857,29 to 1002,01 Hz for males and from 898,04 to 1189,12 Hz for females.
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