Occupational diseases develop while working in unfavorable working conditions, such as whole-body and local physical load, whole-body and local vibration, and cold, etc. The aim of the study was to examine the state of the upper extremi ties musculoskeletal system under occupational exposure to heavy physical loads and hand vibration. Working conditions of 89 plasterers, taking into account adverse effects, corresponded to: 3-rd class, 2-nd degree, harmful heavy work of the 2-nd degree; working conditions of 87 sinkers, 102 mechanical assemblers, 84 assemblers of metal vessel hulls corresponded to the 3-rd class, the 3-rd degree, harmful heavy work of the 3-rd degree. Numerous complaints of hands pain, surgeon objective examination findings, disturbances of muscle strength, the upper extremities microcirculation, creatine phosphokinase activity allowed to diagnose I - II degree miofibrosis in the examined groups. Miofibrosis was combined with vibration disease of the I-II degree in those who worked with vibration instruments.