Objective:Toevaluatetheinfluenceofthemenstrualcycleonthephysicalqualitiesofsome INSEPS students. Method: 15 female students participated in our study. Each subject performed the verticalrelaxation, reaction speed, abdominal endurance and back endurance tests on the third day ofmenstruationand the third oneaftercessation of bleeding. Results: On average, the subjects had better vertical expansion after menstruation (45.13cm) than during menstruation (43.33 cm), with no significant difference (p=0.57). In terms ofreactionspeed,thegirlsperformedbetteronaverageduringmenstruationthanafter(111versus147), with no significant difference (p=0.06). The best average performance in abdominalendurance was achieved during menstruation (390.6 repetitions versus 367.73 repetitions) butthis difference was statistically insignificant (p=0.56). In back endurance, the best averageperformanceforgirlswasachievedaftermenstruation(342.67repetitionsversus337.53repetitions).Thedifferencewas statisticallyinsignificant (p=0.92). Conclusion:Thisstudy showsthatthe menstrualcycle doesnothave a significantinfluence on the vertical relaxation, reaction speed, abdominal endurance and back enduranceofthe INSEPS students inour sample.
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