The decomposition of the time-reversal operator (DORT) is a method of isolating scatterers with a multiple-source/multiple-receiver system [C. Prada et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99, 2067–2076 (1996)]. A series of simulations is shown that elucidates the resolution of a DORT system in a reverberant, shallow-water environment. The system consists of vertical line arrays of sources and receivers in monostatic and vertically bistatic configurations. Two basic resolution problems are considered: the ability to discriminate two scatterers in the water column and the ability to detect a single scatterer in the presence of bottom clutter. The performance of the DORT system is shown relative to array configuration, location of scatterer in the water column, and the level and type of bottom clutter. [Work supported by ONR.]