The chemical reactivity descriptors have been calculated through Molecular Electron Density Theory encompassing Conceptual DFT. The validity of �Koopmans� theorem in DFT� (KID) has been assessed by a comparison between the global descriptors (electronegativity, total hardness, and global electrophilicity) calculated through vertical energy values and those arising from the HOMO and LUMO values. These results suggest that the KID procedure is valid and may be used, in conjunction with the B3LYP/3-611G(d, p) level of theory in further studies of related compounds in the aqueous medium. The active sites for nucleophilic and electrophilic attacks have been identified and verified using the local reactivity descriptors: the dual descriptor, the electrophilic and nucleophilic Parr functions, the local reactivity difference index Rk and MEP maps. Obtained results suggest that the antioxidant/antiradical power of investigated compounds may be explained by the highest ambiphilic activation of the oxygen atoms of the hydroxyl groups in the ene-diol moiety.
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