<p class="abstract"><strong>Background:</strong> Thoraco-lumbar fractures are serious injuries of concern, if left untreated may result in marked morbidity and disability to the patient. To study the efficacy of pedicular screw and rod fixation system (ZETA system) in achieving ‘stabilization’ in thoracic and lumbar fractures of the spine.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Methods:</strong> This was a prospective comparative on-randomized study of 20 patients who underwent pedicle screws and rod fixation in Goverment District headquarters hospital Nagapattinam with a follow-up ranging from September 2018 to December 2018 duration of 4 months. Patient selection was according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and was surgically treated with pedicle screw and rod system (ZETA).<strong></strong></p><p class="abstract"><strong>Results:</strong> In 75% of the patients, the fractures were reduced by using polyaxial implants and in 25% of the patients both monoaxial and polyaxial implants were used. The average regional angle during the pre-operative stage was 16.50±5.020 and 4.450±4.150 during the 1-year post-operative period. There was a significant difference between pre-op and post-operative regional angles.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Conclusions:</strong> There is a very high statistical significant restoration of vertebral body height, mean regional angle, and mean anterior wedge angle with this procedure in thoracolumbar fractures. Neurological recovery was seen significantly when all cases with neurological deficits were clubbed together.</p>