The aim of this work was to study the distribution and cellular localization of GLUT2 in the rat brain by light and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry, whereas our ultrastructural observations will be reported in a second paper. Confirming previous results, we show that GLUT2-immunoreactive profiles are present throughout the brain, especially in the limbic areas and related nuclei, whereas they appear most concentrated in the ventral and medial regions close to the midline. Using cresyl violet counterstaining and double immunohistochemical staining for glial or neuronal markers (GFAp, CAII and NeuN), we show that two limited populations of oligodendrocytes and astrocytes cell bodies and processes are immunoreactive for GLUT2, whereas a cross-reaction with GLUT1 cannot be ruled out. In addition, we report that the nerve cell bodies clearly immunostained for GLUT2 were scarce (although numerous in the dentate gyrus granular layer in particular), whereas the periphery of numerous nerve cells appeared labeled for this transporter. The latter were clustered in the dorsal endopiriform nucleus and neighboring temporal and perirhinal cortex, in the dorsal amygdaloid region, and in the paraventricular and reuniens thalamic nuclei, whereas they were only a few in the hypothalamus. Moreover, a group of GLUT2-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies was localized in the dorsal medulla oblongata while some large multipolar nerve cell bodies peripherally labeled for GLUT2 were scattered in the caudal ventral reticular formation. This anatomical localization of GLUT2 appears characteristic and different from that reported for the neuronal transporter GLUT3 and GLUT4. Indeed, the possibility that GLUT2 may be localized in the sub-plasmalemnal region of neurones and/or in afferent nerve fibres remains to be confirmed by ultrastructural observations. Because of the neuronal localization of GLUT2, and of its distribution relatively similar to glucokinase, it may be hypothesized that this transporter is, at least partially, involved in cerebral glucose sensing.
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