Hedyotis macvaughii, a new species from Jalisco, Mexico, is described and compared with related taxa. It is a small wiry-stemmed perennial herb with filiform leaves, small funnelform flowers, and non-crateriform seeds. Among specimens lent by MICH was a previously unnamed species collected by Rogers McVaugh in Jalisco, Mexico. It is here described as a new species of Hedyotis. Hedyotis macvaughii Terrell, sp. nov. TYPE: Mexico. Jalisco: steep mountain sides 3-10 km generally E on the road to Mina del Cuale from the junction 5 km NW of El Tuito, Mpio. de Cabo Corrientes, elev. 850-1150 m, 16-19 Feb. 1975, R. McVaugh 26426 (holotype, MICH). Figures 1, 2. Herba perennis rhizomata. Caules 15-20 cm alti erecti. Folia filiformia. Inflorescentia diffusissima. Corolla alba infundibuliformis 3.0--4.5 mm longa. Capsulae subglobosae 1-2 mm longae. Semina 0.3-0.5 mm longa compressa ellipsoidea hilo punctiformi in crista ventrali. Perennial herbs with slender rhizomes. Stems 15-20 cm tall, subterete, erect, very slender, wiry, glabrous, widely and diffusely branched, internodes numbering ca. 5-6. Leaves 6-20 mm long, 0.3-0.7 mm wide, filiform, with 2 inconspicuous grooves beneath, obtuse, glabrous above and beneath. Stipules to 1 mm long and wide, inconspicuous, entire or few-toothed. Inflorescences widely spreading, diffuse, to ca. 15 cm wide, with many filiform branches, flowers heterostylous, in many 2-5-flowered cymes, pedicels filiform, to ca. 15 mm long. Calyces glabrous; lobes 4, 0.4-0.8 mm long, 0.20.5 mm wide, broadly lanceolate, obtuse. Corollas 4-lobed, 3.0-4.5 mm long, funnelform, white; tubes 2.0-2.7 mm long, 0.5-0.6 mm wide at base; lobes 1-2 mm long, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, ovate. Anthers 4, ca. 0.5-0.8 mm long. Pollen colporate type A. Stigmas 2-branched, ca. 0.5 mm long, linear. Pin flowers with stigmas slightly exserted at corolla throat, anthers located at /3-1J2 point of corolla tube. Thrum flowers with anthers slightly exserted at corolla throat, stigma not seen. Capsules 1-2 mm long and wide, subglobose, thin-walled, straw-colored, ?-7/s inferior, apices rounded or truncate, dehiscence loculicidal. Seeds several per capsule, 0.3-0.5 mm long, 0.2-0.35 mm wide, brown, dorsiventrally moderately compressed, in outline broadly elliptic, blong, or ovoid, sometimes irregularly angulate, non-crateriform, dorsal side almost smooth or obscurely reticulate, convex, ventral side finely reticulate, hilum punctiform on acentric hilar ridge, ridge obtuse or acutish, low to rather high, testa with areoles single or double walled. Chromosome number unknown. Hedyotis macvaughii (spelling in accordance with Greuter et al., 1994: Rec. 60 C.4.(a)) is somewhat geographically isolated from related species that occur to the eastward in Mexico, as there are no records of Hedyotis or Houstonia species occurring in Jalisco, Colima, Michoacin, or Nayarit (Standley, 1918; Terrell, 1991). The new species is distinct in its morphology. It is a small wiry-stemmed perennial herb with filiform leaves and small funnelform flowers (Fig. 1). The seeds (Fig. 2) lack any kind of ventral depression or cavity, hence are non-crateriform. They are moderately dorsiventrally compressed and have a punctiform hilum on a low to rather high hilar ridge. These seed characters ally the new species with Hedyotis rather than Houstonia, which has crateriform seeds, or Oldenlandia, which has distinctive 3-angled (trigonal) or conic seeds (Terrell, 1991). Lewis (Terrell et al., 1986) recognized three types of pollen aperture structure, based on the extent of thinning of the nexine in the equatorial region. Two of these types, colpororate and colporate type B, occur in Houstonia, whereas Hedyotis and Oldenlandia have predominantly colporate type A. For Hedyotis macvaughii, Lewis (pers. comm., May 1995) reported the occurrence of colporate type A pollen. There are three species that superficially resemble or might be confused with Hedyotis macvaughii: Hedyotis asperuloides Bentham, Houstonia palmeri A. Gray, and Houstonia longifolia Gaertner. Hedyotis asperuloides of Baja California, Mexico, is a small annual with corollas 3-11 mm long, anthers 1.0-1.3 mm long, stigma branches 1.0-1.4 mm long, capsules 1.3-5.0 mm long that are turbinate, NovoN 6: 128-130. 1996. This content downloaded from on Wed, 31 Aug 2016 04:44:24 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Volume 6, Number 1 1996 Terrell Hedyotis macvaughii from Mexico 129
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