The present study attempts to establish the isoforms of hyaluronidase enzyme and their possible role in the spreading of toxins during envenomation. Screening of venoms of 15 snakes belonging to three different families revealed varied hyaluronidase activity in ELISA-like assay, but with relatively similar pH and temperature optima. The zymograms of individual venoms showed varied activity banding patterns and indicated the presence of at least two molecular forms of the enzyme. During envenomation, activity of hyaluronidase is considered crucial for the spreading of toxins and is presumed to distort the integrity of extracellular matrix through the degradation of hyaluronic acid in it. This property has been addressed through localization of hyaluronic acid in human skin and muscle tissue sections using the probe, biotinylated hyaluronic acid binding protein. Faint and discontinuous staining pattern of hyaluronidase treated tissue sections over intense staining of untreated tissue sections confirm the selective degradation of hyaluronic acid in extracellular matrix and thus provide an evidence for the spreading property of the enzyme.