One of the most puzzling results of deep inelastic experimentation in the last few years is the large cross-section of e+e- annihilation into hadrons (~). The almost constant cross-section observed is in marked disagreement with the pointlike behaviour expected theoretically on the basis of scaling. The question thus arises as to whether there is complete break-down of scaling or it is postponed to much higher energies. Adopting this latter point of view, we show in this letter how in the framework of the canonical trace anomaly of the energy-momentum tensor the asymptotic value of the ratio R = a(e+e--~hadrons)/~(e+e-->~+~-) can be related to the low-energy behaviour of a(e+e - -~hadrons) through a general duality principle which we derive explicitly. Some time ago we proposed (~) a simple model in which sealing is built up by a series of resonances of Veneziano type in which this duality principle between /~ and low-energy parameters is verified. Explicitly we found i~ = 8n~//~ ~ 2.5. A similar treatment by SAKURAI (a) gives numbers between 3 and 5, but, as we shall show later, a more accurate analysis will confirm the value of :R given above. Recently from a completely different point of view T]~RAZAW~ (~) has determined the anomaly of PCDC (partial conservation of dilatation current) Ward identity using conventional vector-meson dominance of real photons and found for R a value of 16~/]~. (t) B. ]3ARTOLI, F. FELICETTI, H. OGREI~ r, V. SILVESTRINI, G. MARI~I, fi_. IGRO and F.VAI~OLI: Phys. Rev. D, 6, 2374 (1972); C. B~-ooI, G. I~ G. SALVI~I, B. STELLA, m. BALDI~I CELIO, G. CAPOI~, C. ]~ENOUOOINI, G. P. MURTAS, M. SPn~ETTI and A. ZALLO: Phys. Le~., 44 B, 533 (1973); F. CERADINI, M. CO~VERSI, S. D'A~GELO, L. PAOLUZI, R. S.<XTO~ICO and R. VISENTII~r: Phys. Lelt., 47 B, 80 (1973); M. GRILLI, E. IAROCOI, P. SPILLANTII~rI, V. VALEN'TE, R. VISENTI~k r, B. BORGIA, F. CERADIN'I, ~I. CONVERSI, L. PAOLUZI, B. SANTONICO, ~[. NIGRO, L. TRASATTI and G. T. ZORX: Nuovo Cimento, 13A, 593 (1973); LITKE, G. HAI'r A. HOF:VIAN, J. KOCK, L. LAW, M. E. LAW, J. LEONG, R. :LITTLE, R. M.C-DARAS, H. NEWI~IA~, J. M. PATERSON', R. PORDES, K. STRAUCH, G. TARNOFOLSKY and R. WILSON ; Phys. Rev. Left., 36, 1189 (1973); M. BERXARDII~I, D. BOLLI~I, P. L. BRUNIN'I, E. FIORENTINO, T. WASSAM, L. MOI~AOI, F. PAL.~IO~ARI, F. RIMONDI and A. Zio!~r[om: Phys. Lett., 51 B, 200 (1974); W. CmxowsKr: invited talk presented at the IV International Con]erence on Experimental Meson Spectroscopy, Boston, Mass., 1974. (~) A. BRAMOI% ~. ETI~ and iVL GR]~OO: Phys. Lett., 41 B, 507 (1972); M. GRECO: Nucl. Phys., 63 B,
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