THIS paper presents the results of an experimental investigation comparing the mass and energy content of fully formed laminar vortex rings in air with that of the original pulse that generated them for a variety of initial and boundary conditions. In particular, the fractional entrainment of mass and the partition of initial energy between kinetic energy of translation and kinetic energy of rotation are studied. It is found that these characteristics depend strongly on the boundary conditions. A technique is presented which enables calculation of kinetic energy of rotation from motion picture sequences. The ratio of characteristi c translational speed to characteristic rotational speed is shown to be a useful parameter for correlation of data. Data on vortex size and speed are presented using this correlation, and it is seen that all data, regardless of initial and boundary conditions, fall on a single curve. A theoretical curve is derived, and it is seen that the data compare well with it. Contents In many applications utilizing nonsteady flow, it is of importance to understand the mechanisms of mass, momentum, and energy exchange between a primary flow and a secondary flow. The present work attempts to shed light on such mechanisms by ultilizing a simple example: the formation of vortex rings. A sketch of the system under study is shown in Fig. 1. We consider that, at time £ = 0, a uniform pulse is initiated with velocity Uj(t) for a duration Tp through a chimney of height H and diameter D0. Note that, when //=0, we have a simple orifice. After a certain period of time, the pulse becomes a fully formed vortex ring of diameter D which propagates at a speed U. The nature of the vortex ring will depend on the boundary conditions (H, DQ) and on the initial conditions luj(t), T p }. Since all of the vorticity essential to the existence of a vortex is generated in boundary layers prior to formation, different geometries will produce different amounts of vorticity. Furthermore, in the case of the simple orifice, vorticity of opposite sense is generated on the outside of the orifice by the boundary layer formed from the entrained flow, passing over the solid surface, thereby impeding the influx of entrained flow and diminishing the net available vorticity. These effects will result in the generation of vortices with different sizes and different propagation speeds, as well as differences in internal flowfields. In the experimental investigation, vortex rings were generated in still air for various sizes of simple orifices and chimneys by means of a large loudspeaker energized by a step in voltage, producing a controllable jet-pulse intensity. The pulse intensity and duration were monitored by means of a hot-film anemometer. Oscillographic records of the
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