Összefoglalás. A XXI. század első felében a korábban sok évtizeden keresztül lassan változó közlekedés gyorsított ütemben alakul át. Ez alatt a pár év alatt több változás következik be, több kihívást kell leküzdeni, mint a korábbi időszakban. Az elektromos hajtás térnyerése, új járműhasználati módok mellett a járművek autonomizálódása és összekapcsolódása jelenti az új irányokat, amelyek kihívás elé állítják nemcsak az autóipart, hanem a járművek használóit és a szabályzókat, az államot is. Kutatásainkban az önvezető autózás jelentette kihívásokat emeljük ki a többi, röviden bemutatott trend közül, majd pedig vizsgáljuk, milyen kihívásokat támaszt a digitalizálódó állam felé az önvezetés felé elmozduló járműves technológia. Summary. In the first half of the 21st century, transportation that has been slowly changing over many decades has been transforming at an accelerated rate. Over the course of these few years, there will be more changes and more challenges to overcome. For a century it was unquestionable that a vehicle is driven by a driver and its energy comes via diesel or petrol from crude oil. Today vehicles’ autonomy in driving is increasing, and instead of crude oil based fuels first biocomponents and gaseous fuels appeared, and now electricity knocks at the door. The proliferation of the electric driving, the new modes of vehicle use, and the autonomy and connectivity of vehicles represent new directions that challenge not only the automotive industry, but also vehicle users and regulators, and the states. New technologies bring about new security and safety challenges as well. Most of the challenges pop up in the cyber security domain. And its result is that a closer cooperation is necessary between the automotive industry and informatics. As these two leading industrial fields have a different setup, the cooperation is energy demanding task for all participants. Modification and upgrade of the homologation process seems to be one of the potential gateways that could merge the safety requests. Improving traditionally rigid automotive homologation processes needs a lot of extended test opportunities. In our research, we highlight the challenges posed by self-driving cars and show some trends briefly, and then examine the challenges posed by vehicle technology moving towards self-driving, and towards digitizing. The certification process of the automotive industry is highlighted and modifications are proposed. We propose to extend the traditional proving ground based certification processes with special, autonomous vehicles designed processes that are partially made within the virtual reality-proving ground mixtures. A newly designed proving ground not only offers a wide range of vehicle and traffic tests for conventional, connected and automated vehicles, but can also be used to test possible prototype solutions, as well as helps to develop the type-approval process, and useful for educational purposes. Cyber security has special dimensions, newly developed test environment is necessary to validate the vehicles and their elements. A complete vehicle testing and validation center is proposed to establish for automotive cyber security features, focusing not only on known, but also on unknown vulnerabilities. It will help to develop dedicated tests to eliminate unknown vulnerabilities and potential new vulnerabilities.