Using lattice QCD simulations with O(a)-improved Wilson quarks and physical up, down, and strange quark masses, we investigate the properties of thermal QCD matter at the temperatures T={128,154,192} MeV with a fixed lattice spacing a=0.064 fm and volume V=(6.1 fm)3. We find that the pion quasiparticle, defined as the low-energy pole in the two-point function of the axial charge, becomes lighter as the temperature increases, and we give an argument based on hydrodynamics as to why the pole becomes purely diffusive above the chiral crossover. We study the thermal modification of the isovector vector spectral function using the Backus-Gilbert method, finding an enhancement at low energies and a depletion at energies around 1 GeV. The analogous study of the axial-vector channel reveals a larger enhancement at energies below 1 GeV, and we show that these findings are consistent with rigorous spectral sum rules. The difference between vector and axial-vector correlators, an order parameter for chiral symmetry, turns out to be overall suppressed by more than an order of magnitude at the crossover. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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