It is a Battlefield Searching for parallelisms, using historical analogies is a well established method in many fields of soft sciences, medical humanities included. A challenge of seemingly repetitive failure patterns and paradigm shift structures are to be answered in the following imaginary experiment. The aim is the creation of a mental model where understanding of developments and mistakes in treatment of tuberculosis might support our fight against lung cancer (1). The two diseases are existing parallely – one mainly for the poor and young and the other for the richer and older. History of tuberculosis follows the classic algorhythm: diagnostic (Villemin, Virchow), casuistic (Koch) and therapeutical (Waksman/Streptomycin) stages. The therapeutical phase of lung cancer has been reached without identified cause of the disease. Eradication of the macrosocopic focus by physical interference with the involved tissue mass, in both diseases preceeded medical treatment. Causation is not an absolute sine qua non of an effective treatment, as the tuberculosis-lung cancer analogy also proves. While lung cancer seems to be controlled by an emerging array of new drugs, tuberculosis poses a new challenge. Tuberculosis of the lung is a systemic disease, best treated by drugs with additional surgical removal of the focus of the disease as a last option. The disease has a fairly good chance of around 90% of to be cured (2). The prognostic factors include the functional and immunological reserves of the patient. Stage I to III lung cancer is a local manifestation of a systemic disease without sufficiently identified aetiology. Therapy response is understood at cohort level, but it is unpredictable where the individual patient’s fate is concerned. For reasons unknown, mechanical eradication offers the best chance for cure in early stages of the tumour. Some parallelism between tuberculosis and lung cancer might be of interest. In Search of a Character If progress takes a standstill categorization, fever takes over. Lymphnodes are the central elements of the Ghon and Ranke complexes. (3) of the tuberculous lung. The TNM system, a topology approach gyrates around the N status as well. (4). The desire to find a strong characteristic prognostic/predictive element resulted in the Gaffky index (5). The number of Koch bacillus in the sputum as a prognostic tool failed to validate the theory. The discussions of stations and size of lymphnodes in lung cancer (6) might share the fate of the Gaffky index. A Burnt out Case? There are disturbing similarities in the phenomenon of a late relapse/recurrence in both diseases. The dormant Koch bacillus vs exogenous reinfection debate (7) is paralleled by the dormant cancer cell hypothesis (8). Journey without Maps Circulating Koch bacillus, and their prognostic value hotly debated in the 1920s, are comparable to the circulating tumor cell question. The bloodstream journey polemic settled down by 1950, the “seed and soil” theory of cancer cells is subject of intense research. The Heart of the Matter Till the 1960s all tuberculosis cases seemed to be the same, until atypical tuberculosis was identified and the Mycobacterium xenopi lost its stigmatising power (95). Certain phenotypes of the adenocarcinoma in situ behaves definitely in a more benign way than any other cell type NSCLC. In 2019, we still do not know what is the single causative agent (if it exists at all) of NSCLC (if it exists at all as a single entity). The Copernican revolution in tumour biology is still awaited. The Power and the Glory Tuberculosis taught us, that the disease affects the body and the soul as well, reflecting to the society around the patient as well. Lung cancer treatment also depend on the immune status of the individual as well as on the protective capabilities of the science and the society. Affordability and availability of anticancer treatments/drugs are key words yet not interchangeable (8). Onco-economy is as a powerful factor as gene sequencing. A scalpel for sale Our techniques to treat lung cancer are rooted in surgery for tuberculosis (1). VATS techniques take their origin in Jacobeus’ thoracoscopy and Veress needle. Modern thoracic surgical staplers are derivates of the “Russian machines”, Petz staplers adjusted to tuberculotic bronchi. Thoracic surgery practiced in local anesthesia for many decades, is genuine awake/non-intubated thoracic surgery of today. The recent debate over neoadjuvant vs. adjuvant therapy reflects to the bygone dispute on resection before or after antituberculous medical treatment. The different modalities are no mutually exclusive options, but complementary ones. The End of the Affair: The main message of tuberculosis to present day oncopulmonologists is that no one can forget the interaction between tumour and patient and his/her socioeconomic status around the pathologically identified focus.
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